Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Today I am dubious about the gifts of indoor plumbing

The sewer backed up into my basement, yes, the sewer. Not only was it horribly disgusting, but this has also made me realize that Americans use WAY too much toilet paper. Especially now that it was all over my floor. I mean I knew that before... but it was always in an abstract kind of way. So I used my snow shovel to clean it up since I was roundly told that it would be ineffective and hard on my back to use conventional snow removal equipment in the winter instead of the patented UP original "yooper snow scooper". And then it got tossed with everything else used to clean up the sewer stuff. Also my roof leaks, which isn't much of a surprise.

Yep, after two and a half months of drought we got dumped with 4inches in one night. The Archives at work got flooded too, just water, and is closed for the rest of the week. Apparently this isn't the first time... joy.

Whoopee that I insisted on the renters insurance! For it is all covered. The only problem is that the Insurance company's normal "stoppage" guys don't have the equipment for my "stoppage" (stoppage is what the insurance people call a clogged drain. I find it amusing.) so they have to find new stoppage guys and haven't yet is this sparsely populated keweenaw area. sigh...
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