Saturday, October 18, 2008

Graduation Present to ME!

After I graduate, I will buy crampons and an ice pick. This time I will make it across the desert and climb Popocateptl.

Popocateptl, the largest mountain in Mexico, is located in the central desert near the Valley of the Sun. I think I tried to cross the Valley, or it could have been random desert. Its farther than it looks, and two hours later I was no closer to the mountain and mad that I had to choose between living or dying at the base. Would it be weak to rent a jeep? I like the idea of trekking the whole thing, but how do you carry that much water...


Blogger Rhianna W said...

Hey, I think it would be neat. And maybe you could do half the desert. I don't know how you would carry that much water. you'd have to bring a donkey along. But a lot of hikers have water filtration stuff or boil it or have chemical tabs so they can drink water they find. So I think that if you plan it out well you could find water along the way possibly too. There's water in the desert it just likes to hide.

4:50 PM  
Blogger Chemska said...

Hmm. I was reading that anywhere the land seems to dip down, there might be water underneath. I do have a camper's water filter the size of a water bottle, and I know you can get water by eating the mush inside paddle cactuses, would you want to come with? it would be soooo cool.

11:39 AM  

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