Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Blog!

The Blog! I found it! It does exist!
Whilst I'm thinking of clever things to post...
enjoy this Lol Cat picture to the left.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hitting you in the neck

Hey there R! I just thought I would let you know that your passion for neck warmth has been duly noted. And you are the pinnacle of white fashion. Check out the picture.



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Sunday, August 10, 2008

So I have another job so I can come back to Minne, but the living options I was considering were either full or too far away or I didn't want to live with them. The craigslist and whatnot were too expensive or too trashy. So my cousin mentions that his friend used to work couple day temp jobs and stay at the YMCA. I looked into this, the criteria was battered, abused, transitional, and emergency. It was a transition that turned into an emergency? I decide that they might not believe me, so I say "I want to stay there, give me a shiner and make it count!!" Dad says "I...have to leave the room...." Mom says " You know you can't go to work like that. Ooh! we could give you an Indian burn!"
Greg & company are kind enough to have me again, yay!
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