Friday, June 05, 2009

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'm feeling better now, I got what I wanted. I've been on a serious rollercoaster for about 3 weeks now, psycho manic OCD, drinking pacing insomnia narcolepsy, Last night I hit the lowest point, so I did a heat wrap which is what they used to do for schizophrenics, 6 comforters with a space heater blasting on you to sweat out the crazy. At 10:00 I realized I was better, and then the phone rang, and the world was mine again.

Friday, December 12, 2008

$2,500 for the flight, landing in Lahore, one could cab it the thousand miles around the Indian peninsula until reaching Balakot. The town was destroyed 4 years ago by an earthquake but you still might be able to buy a horse or even a yak to continue on through the mountain ranges. Obviously you would need some serious connections or money in order to get a helicopter out here and even then you might still get taken. So be it seven days on rugged terrain on horseback til you reach the breathtaking slopes of K2 where it all began, but why? Yes it will humble you and make you think, but what will you think about? There is no solution, not one that you can fix or run from or purchase or e-vite or google or blog. Everything is wrong. You came all this way and it didn't make any difference or prove anything. Maybe it never happened, or there was no reason for any of it. Maybe you'll just stay here now.

Mountains and the angry sea. They are beautiful because they are mysterious and magical. They simply exist in their glory, nothing can tame them. You can mock them, scorn them, try to knock them down or dry them up, but they will always be, and the harder you try to conquer them, the more likely it is that you will destroy yourself.

Friday, November 21, 2008


I found out today that you can send e-cards from the Center for Disease Control to your friends families and enemies for free! They have ones on lung cancer and stds and more. It just cracks me up.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fun Fact

It only costs $218 to ride the Greyhound Bus (round trip) from Minneapolis to Mexi Town.
Duration= 2 days, 4 hours.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Graduation Present to ME!

After I graduate, I will buy crampons and an ice pick. This time I will make it across the desert and climb Popocateptl.

Popocateptl, the largest mountain in Mexico, is located in the central desert near the Valley of the Sun. I think I tried to cross the Valley, or it could have been random desert. Its farther than it looks, and two hours later I was no closer to the mountain and mad that I had to choose between living or dying at the base. Would it be weak to rent a jeep? I like the idea of trekking the whole thing, but how do you carry that much water...

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Protesting the RNC! Note the snipers on the building.

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