Thursday, August 18, 2005

Arbeit Macht Frei

Gosh I hope I spelled that right. Because the thing you have to worry about when making Holocaust-inspired jokes is spelling...yeah.

So, the update:

1. I've been working basically non-stop on getting the house ready for the Housewarming party tomorrow. Buying fabric, getting curtains made by the Somali tailors down in the West Bank, buying paint, painting, figuring out the color is wrong, getting the color corrected, painting, the color still dissatisfies Andrew, getting the color corrected and (shocker!) painting.

Also, we've been pulling up the super disgustor old carpeting which is both dusty and laden with mold-spores. Lordy! We finally got all the carpet up last night (at about 1 am) and when I started mopping I realized that the dark stains on the hardwood floor were actually pools of glue for the carpeting. Which was water-soluable. And I had spread with my mopping. All over the floor. Ugh!

So for tonight: move all my boxes of books up to the attic, finish de-gluing the floors, move rugs and furniture into place, cry with exhaustion, clean the whole apartement, put up the curtain rod and curtain, clean the porch and finish weeding the driveway/sidewalk.

2. Fun with being a landlady!
The Drunken Freak former tenant still seems to think she deserves her deposit back, despite the itemized list of deductions we sent her. You'd think she'd be so embarassed after her drunken rampage at our house she'd slink off. Nuh uh.

Also, things are civil to friendly with the Powderhorn Couple, but they have a list of stuff I need to do to the house and a list of stuff the Evil Contractor fucked up or simply did not finish.

On the upside, I do get to go to a firepit party at Marie's house this weekend. So that's cool.


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