Thursday, September 15, 2005


So today I just had a horrible HORRIBLE incident and I think that just sharing with the world is the thing to do. So its that time of the month and on a scale of 1 to 10, one being unnoticable 10 being curled in a ball of pain in the bath tub due to the massive amounts of blood this is like a 2.5 Yup, it's there but at the same Anyway half way through class today we had a fifteen minute break. During this time I went to the restroom to do the thing and when I removed the cup, I don't know what happened cause I didn't yank it, but it just flung blood all over the floor of the stall. ALL OVER!!! But luckly not really all over and I somehow only got a drop of blood on my pants. But seriously folks all I could do was stare in horror of the mess I made in a bathroom with only two stalls and a line! On the toilet seat and a splat mark at least 18" long dear god. So I cleaned it all up washed my self off and was then locked out of the class room and the teach had to let me back in. And the blood and running around and the lateness and I'm still recovering from the adreniline of horror. Just sitting in class waiting for someone to tell me I had blood on me somewhere or going: "Hey! Didn't you just throw blood all over the bathroom like in the set of "Carrie?" Some days are just hell.


Blogger Hazel Stone said...

Wow. I suppose my horror at leaving a drop of blood on the toilet seat and not noticing until hours later, when I am left wondering if Andrew has seen and been grossed out kind of pales in comparision.

2:16 PM  
Blogger Rhianna W said...

Thank you for your sympathy. I apprechiate it.

2:47 PM  
Blogger Your_Host said...

Just whoa.
That's worse than making extremely embarassing noises. I can't stand public rest rooms anyway.
Still, this sort of thing does happen. And it is at least 15 or 1,000,000 times more disturbing when you find blood splatters in the mens room. Just ask Andrew.

4:45 PM  

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