Thursday, October 27, 2005

Drag Queens and Airplanes

I'm comming home! Next weekend Indianapolis to Minneapolis nonstop flight via North West Student Discount!

Oh My God!!! I went to the Miss Gay Bloomington Pagent last night and it was FABULOUS!!! They really pulled out all the stops and did the most original acts I've ever seen. Not that I've been around that much. They opened up with the Phantom of the Opera's "Music of the Night" and did Cher's version of "My Baby Shot Me Down" which is totally off the wall 'cause its Cher. The costumes were awewome, one did Cruella DeVille singing Meridth Brooks "Bitch"- wonderful. And Greg, there was the most handsome gay man there that helped them with their acts if the needed a back up singer and what not. He was just gorgeous, in a black suit with caveat tie. Soo nice.

Anyway, miss you all see you next week!!


Blogger Hazel Stone said...

The return of RHIANNA!!!

By the way, when do you arrive? I'm trying to figure out if anyone can pick up my Mom from the ariport Saturday morning.


2:53 PM  
Blogger Rhianna W said...

I come in Friday afternoon. I could probably swing picking up yo mama.

5:14 PM  

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