Saturday, October 22, 2005

The New Man in My Life

Meet Larry, he is a seven year old black cat I adopted last Friday. Everybody loves Larry, the vet wanted to trade cats. Cate who took care of him for me while I was gone calls him Larry the Loungesuit Cat. He's very sweet and is the newest member of the Rhianna household.

Oh, my god. So I assisted my Aunt Linda in the driving of my grandparents to Arkansas for the funeral. I love my grandma, but its hard now that she has dementia. There was someone with her at all times and of course it gets worse when she's tired. She wanted to know who's house we were at at one time and who my Aunt Nancy (the widow) was. My grandpa just drives me nuts sometimes. He's well known for his stories and I heard them all within the 24 hours of driving time. I just want you to know my dear AK that I understood before why you left Missouri, now I totally simpathize with you. And I would just like to take this moment to point out that Arkansas has the SKANKYEST rest stops in the nation. My Aunt Linda told me that Arizona rest stops are just a pull over area in the middle of nowhere with out any facilities much less a tree. None the less in Arkansas it they are dirty the hand dryers didn't work and EVERYTHING is chained down. Even the giant airconditioners outside the building and the locals use it as a hangout. And I don't mean to slam your state AK, because I know that I only traveled through a small swatch, I'm sure some parts, especially your part is beautiful. All I have to say about the part I went through is: they are called TREES people and they prevent the wind from stealing your topsoil, so plant some please.

These are my cousins Diane and Ryan. Ryan is only two and is just hilarious. He and I played around at the funeral home. At the funeral home they have an old horse drawn herse that is in such good condition that Ryan could push it around, we also played with the vending machine, because he thought the coins in the change tray were cool. I bought him a water and myself a Caffeine free coke in the gold can. When he pulled the can out of the machine he looks at me and says "You got a beer!" The next day we were running around the church, this little boy has more energy than a dynamo, and the congregation is getting seated in the sanctuary (it was standing room only on a Wednesday) while the family was in a back room. Ryan and I are running through the halls and when I would start to catch up with him he'd yell "Oh SHIT! Oh SHIT! Oh SHIT!!" It was pretty funny.


Blogger Your_Host said...

what do you say when Rhianna is about to catch you? OH SHIT! OH SHIT! OH SHIT!

Glad to hear you are OK. And cute kitten!

10:36 AM  
Blogger Hazel Stone said...

My GAWD that cat is a cutie!

Yep, Missouri is pretty awful. I've been up here long enough that the little culture shock moments happen when I go back to visit, not while I am up here.

Though when Andrew and I went to camp at a state park, I was amazed that the outhouses smell OK. I mean there's clean bathroom smell, not-very-well-maintained bathroom smell, MN outhouse smell and then the "Dear Lord, is there a corpse rotting down this hole?" Missouri outhouse smell.

Its amazing what paying taxes for public amenities will do for actually having public amenities.

11:00 AM  
Blogger Rhianna W said...

Larry has already aquired his own fanclub. Melinda and Cate have nicknamed him Liesure Suit Larry while they took care of him for me. They think that if he was a man he'd be the woman's man with chest hair sticking out of his unbuttoned shirt.
Larry also presented me with my first present today. Dead mouse in bed. He was soo proud of himself.

11:20 PM  

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