Sunday, December 24, 2006

So we wandered the streets of Oki, drunk, I still don't feel like i'm in japan. Its all pretty americanized, so i feel like i'm in a small midwestern town bar with all japanese bartenders. of course every sign in the street is in japanese, but I guess Im not noticing. Chigger and I have started the game again. This time I had to bum cigarrettes and drinks from military guys for the $20 bucks. I upped the ante by trying to get one of the marines to sing "Funkytown." Didn't happen. (A karoake bar where the subtitles for American songs were in japanese characters!) What was funny was that when I approached him, he asked what branch of the military I was in. "I'm not". Are you married? "no." Then what the fuck are doing in Japan? "I just am." Buyah!!


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