Friday, May 11, 2007

Lo. So my bank account is finally healthy as long as I work all the freaking time. I've managed to get my GPA up to a 3.5 buyah. To save money, I'm moving in with my Filipino lover in Dinkytown. We are looking at overseas jobs for after I graduate so we can either live in a penthouse on the asian sea, or a thatch hut in China. yaya. Either way, the move is forcing me to get rid of some things haha. I think my mom is coming around about the idea. hmm. She likes that I'm throwing stuff out. I'm going to see if she will let me use her van, and we found a Mexican army for the heavy stuff. Aaron wants to live in Kazakhstan, but I have boycotted it because they might practice Alakachoo there (they do in Krygistan), or "bride snatching". Yes they actually find a woman in the street, throw a sack over her head and drag her home. If she stays the night, her reputation is ruined, and she might as well just accept her fate and marry her kidnapper. Anyway, I'm trying for Japan or China.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Life update

Hey, all.

Just as I was coming out of my depression (woo hoo!) and the summer remodelling and landscaping season was about to start, the Druid lost his job. It is sort of a long story, but in case you are worried we are OK for now.

This definitely means that we have to postpone some badly needed projects around Casa del Druid. On the plus side, we've manged to curb our virtually out of control eating-at-restaurants- and-going-out-for-drinks habit. Here's to hoping that sticks. It also means our pretty extensive road trip plans must also be curbed. Crap.

ANyway, we are basically kay, just scrimping a lot. Hope you all are also well.

Check these out if you need a timewaster

Plugging good blogs:

50 Books-- an avid reader, Canadian and Mom posts about books and general topics. Ususally funny and a great place to go for book recommendations.

Orcinus -- very well written, intelligent political blog. Will make you think.

Waiter Rant -- anonymous waiter rants about his job and writes essays on life
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