Sunday, September 25, 2005

Those Crazy Hoosiers

They let people hunt in the State forests! Theres a little sign when you come in asking Hunters to let the ranger know you're there. And the first couple of miles you drive in there's no paths like they have in MN its more like Hansel and Grettle leaving bread crums, except that the bread crumbs where substituted for empty shootgun cartredges. And I'll tell you that I was so unsurprised that when I found a random DNR sign in the middle of no where with shotgun holes in it, it didn't even hit me that that was wrong until dinner time. Oh by the way the picture with a pink strip in the tree is of the path. There are three more hot pink strips in the picture that is the continueing path. Can you find them?

My week has been a week of speed bumps people and it sucks. First I wait for a package from my mother and it doesn't show up so I go run errend at like five (I waited all day for the UPS guy!) when I get back he's come and gone and left it at the office which is now closed but should be open on Saturday according to the posted hours. It didn't open on Saturday. I went to get my meds filled but it turns out I only have medical not pharmisutical. WTF people?!? When was the last time you went to the doctor and they didn't proscribe something? Take your drugs! Its the AMERICAN WAY!!! When I went to call the psychiatrists my "Insurance Company" told me to use, one is disconnected and the other is a crisis line that isn't open on the Weekends. 'Cause people don't have crisises on the weekend. Then I went downtown for the lotus mustic festival and the tents were all up... but closed. And then the lady that has Turkish called my mother to talk to me. Mom relayed the message but assumed I had her number. I didn't. I had the phone company send the list of numbers I called in August. When I get the list it only goes to Aug 10th and I didn't call her on my cell phone until the 12th, so I've got no number.

I think that I've given up on having a relationship and I don't know how I feel about that. On one hand it's pretty handy. Who gives a shit if all the men of our generation are fucked up beyond repair, I don't need to date them, waste my time with them, make an investment in which they are too scared to get hurt in I can't even get a fucking hug. For a while my expectations were so low I never expected commitment and now they are sooo loow that I don't even expect anything. Kinda nice. At the same time I feel horribly jaded. But I think for now I'll let it slide. Fuck. I mean i've got things to do with my life instead of waste it on someone who's not even sure he can feel let alone is sure enough in himself not to be an idiot.

I miss you all. The internet and phone are nice for communication but nothing substitues good old face to face converstation with all it entales.

And if you're wondering I put the wrong picture up there. There are no little hot pink strips among the mushrooms. And now blooger is not uploading my pics. Damn YOU!


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