Monday, October 31, 2005

The Spooky.

I love Halloween.
I love it.
I wish we had it twice every year.
I don't love it because of the costumes.
I don't love it for the candy.
What I love about Halloween is the spooky.
It is the one time of the year where people don't look at you like you are a weirdo for beign obsessed with ghosts, vampires, zombies, witchcraft and madness. In fact, that's kind of encouraged. I don't know anything about the psychology behind the holiday. I know very little about the history surrounding it. What I do know is that The Spooky rocks.

So, in celebration of The Spooky, here are a few spooky links to CHILL YOUR BLOOD!
TAPS, The Atlantic Paranormal Society- Evidence Section.
TAPS has a show on the Sci-Fi channel. I am positively addicted to it. My mom records it and brings it down for us all to watch together. They collect video, photographic and audio evidence from "haunted" locations trying to debunk them. Their method is to try to disprove hauntings, if there is evidence left over that they cannot explain then that location is most likely haunted. The EVP's (Electronic Voice Phenomena) are extremely creepy. They have a collection of more EVP's. Ghost hunters in MN, just in case we want to join up.

The Moonlit Road
"Ghost stories and strange folktales of the American South, told by the region's most celebrated storytellers.

We invite you to light a lantern, open the gate and come take a walk down The Moonlit Road."

There is plenty of stuff out there, and all of it is really fun to watch. Some of it is incredibly cheesy. I highly recommend it.

Happly Halloween!


Blogger Rhianna W said...

Great picture Greg. I love it all, the weather, the costumes, the mood or yes the spooky and unknown. 'Cause the unknown is what makes it spooky c'net pas? Or whatever. Oh so wonderful time. Bloomington's trees are just georgeous right now too. :)

12:21 AM  

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