Monday, January 09, 2006

Using the SUV to its fullest potential

I've rediscovered the joy of books on tape. I can do an amazing amount of knitting and cross stich while also working my little brain. I just finished listening to the "Shipping News" most of it takes place in Newfoundland and I've decided to take a road trip at the very least to Niagra Falls this summer, and camp while I'm at it. Its so much cheaper and I like to freak out people by brushing my teeth in public bathrooms. Tee hee. I haven't decided on a route yet, it'd have a lot of parks though, probalby on the way back through Canada and around one of the great lakes. I suppose its this or back pack through Europe, Chemska?


Blogger Chemska said...

My personal best was crawling out of my van with lopsided hair so that I could brush my teeth in the wal-mart parking lot. Those uptight Pine Citians didn't know what to think. Did I mention that my cousin lost her wallet in spain so she built a fort out of sticks on the beach and lived there for a week.

11:07 AM  
Blogger Chemska said...

You do realize we could sail back on the St. Lawrence seaway.

11:12 AM  
Blogger Hazel Stone said...

Can I come too?

11:32 AM  
Blogger Your_Host said...

Did someone say road trip? I think they did!

8:59 AM  

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