Thursday, February 09, 2006

Helping the Waywards

So, this morning I was sitting at my desk, being a good little receptionist, when at 8:47 this woman comes through the door. She was a portly woman and about 40 years of age. She asked me where "the teeth-pullin' place" was. To which I replied: "Do you mean the dentist?" And then she told me about how she has to get her tooth pulled because blah, blah, blah..........
She said she couldn't find the building: 155 w. Plato Blvd. (I'll tell you now this building is owned by the company I work for and is located exactly on the corner of Wabasha and Plato, which I pass everyday on foot while walking to work, which is about 5 blocks.)
So, I told her to just go back on to Plato back "that-a-way" and you should be there soon. She went on her merry way.
Ten minutes later she returned.
"It's not there."
"Sure it is."
"No it's not."
"Ma'am, I pass it every morning on my way in."
"Well, if I don't get-I gotta get this-I'm gonna miss my appointment, can you give me a ride there?"
"Can someone else-I can't miss-I gotta..."
I'm thinking to myself; What? A) I don't drive and B) I'm working! Not I nor anyone else is giving you a lift 5 blocks. So, I tell her no and that I'm going to draw her a map. (A fucking map so she can go 5 fucking blocks without turning anywhere!)
So, I draw her, what is probably the most simple map ever created and she tells me to hurry it up so she doesn't miss her appointment.
Bear in mind, those who may be sympathetic at this time to said woman, her appt. is at 9:30 and I drew her the map at 9:00! You came to me for help either you take it or you FUCK OFF! So, she tells me, as I'm explaining the map (5 blocks), to hurry it up again. I tell her:"Ma'am, this isn't my job!"
Than she starts in with the ride thing again.
Rikki's inside thought:
(Lady-if you can't make it 6 blocks in a half-hour, come back here. I will take you to the back of the building and explain to you that I am a believer in the wonders of Natural Selection and what we are going to do and give you some fair options. Then, I will either put you "down", much like they do a dog, or set you on an ice floe. Because if you can't do this: you are consuming necessary resources, taking up space in an already overcrowded world and producing waste. That's about it. So, do the pack a favor already!)
So, finally she leaves. And she never returned to thank me!


Blogger Rhianna W said...

You know she didn't walk five blocks and back. The nerve of some people.

8:53 PM  
Blogger Chemska said...

man i gotta get to the greyhound staaytion!! its pouring rain! you ain't gonna give me a ride?
We need blowdarts.

9:09 PM  

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