Friday, March 31, 2006

Cold from hell...

So I've decided that childern are to colds what rats were to the black plague. I think I picked up something from a midget while playing lazertag last sunday. damn bastards. Ever since sunday I've had a real bad sore throat. But I can handle that. Then on thursday its like the freakin hoover damn burst in my sinuses and I couldn't even sit through class thursday night because I rapidly used all the tissues I brought and had to keep getting up to get toilet paper to blow my nose. Needless to say my nose looks like a cherry tomato planted in the middle of my face today. Toilet paper is not good tissue paper. Well unless you get that stuff with aloe. So last night and today I took a plethora of drugs: nyquil, sudafed, theraflu and some of my moms prescription allergy med she left from when I moved here. I was determined to flush the little invading suckers out with drugs. Man did I sleep alot! And whoa were the dreams vivid. I can't remember any of them, I just remember waking up and being really confused I wasn't living somewhere else and other such things. So I finally left the house at 3:30 to pay my rent and run some errands. Larry needed food, so I got him a new collar and a cat tag and damn if I could remember my own phone number. Fourty minutes of errands totally wiped me out, I almost snapped the video clerks head off when he tried to get me to buy another movie. I miss you all.

So now Larry is microchipped and tagged with a little bell (which will probably come off soon) poor cat can't sneeze with out someone knowing about it. Like he really gives a shit anyhow.

I have the dumbest person in one of my classes. This individual refused to believe that economics was a social science...because it wasn't on their list. Must've gotten into grad school on the special ed ticket. Some people just drive me nuts.


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