Monday, March 31, 2008

I know this is juvenille of me, however...

View the new lovely Utah State quarter. I can't stop giggling. Can't you see it? The large front and center phallic symbol otherwise known as the "golden spike"? Also notice the two trains coming to together and remember that Anna Freud said that a little boys picture of two cars running into each other was coitus? Huh huh? And as we all know Utah has a lot of those patriarchical and sexually repressed mormons. Just saying...

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Online Therapy

Okay for the past two days I've vomited in the morning. Well yesterday I slept the rest of the day and I felt fine and then it happened again in the morning. So I called the ER and they transferred me to my Dr., who wasn't in, and they couldn't help me. So then I had to call again and specifically ask for the 24hr nurse and all she has to say was "Are you pregnant?" and "Well you know that sounds like your pregnant." Sure, I'm pregnant, only if there is latent attack sperm that can impregnate after a few years. So then she's like, well if you want to work, you're probably not contagious and you probably got it from work anyway, so whatever. So helpful.

My mother suggests stress, which is reasonable. I remember the last time I was stressed out, I know I've told you about it. I had ulcer symptoms so bad I had to go get prescription strength antacids. And lets face it, I'm only up here because of the job so it's not really a picnic. So I thought that maybe I should see a counselor.

But o god I'm up here. And one of my friends sees a counselor and what I've already seen of the medical community I'm not impressed. I consider myself ridiculously lucky to get the doctor I did get. My friends counselor had her sign a HIPPA form and sends all of his notes about her to her regular practitioner who makes comments about it during her doctors appointments. Like last time during her physical she said "So do you think your marriage is going to last another six months?" WTF. I wonder if I could do online therapy. Ya know Instant Message a therapist.

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