Sunday, May 18, 2008

T*** spies all over the world seek out new fashions hitting the streets and send them back to my department so that we may discuss what T*** will carry next. They advised us that mom jeans are coming back. My boss held an emergency meeting so that we might all reel in horror of this global tragedy.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I walked all over towñ looking for the guy with the bubblegum wrapper purses, I finally ran iñto him at the bazaar. He wanted ten bucks for it, I said 5, he said ño, so I wandered off. 4 blocks away in the crowded park he finds me again and says I can have it for 8. I successfully haggled in Spanish, and ñow I have a really cool purse. But ñow that I look at it its kind of small and I cañ{t fit much in it. ¡But its so cool! I still can{t seem to find the apostrophe, ¿Latin keyboard? jajajaja I found Coco Chanel and Dior jewelry for under $10 on the black market.
I think I{ll finally hit Mexi Town tomorrow. If I get up early enough I can get to Popocateptl mountain and the Teotihuacan pyramids before the plane leaves at 2.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Imagine a dusty desert road with semis rushing past and people selling produce out of the back of ancient pickup trucks. The buildings are painted cinderblock little squares with a garage door for an entrance. Some people build shelters out of sticks to sell their wares, others set up a card table. Mangy stray dogs wander listlessly looking for discarded food or a filthy puddle to drink from, until they lay down in the brush to eventually die from disease. This is the outskirts of Cuautla where I spent 4 days and nearly lost my mind. The main part of town was nice, I got a picture of some cool cathedrals and ate at Super Tony´s. My waiter was wearing a chef shirt that said Romano´s Macaroni Grill. I wanted to ask when he was in Bloomington.
I saw a burro chillin in the park in Mexico City. Eating some grass.
I made it to Cuernavaca whee! The cathedral is 700 hundred years old and beautiful. I watched the midnight mass last night. There were kids breakdancing in the park, it was coo. Don´t get too close to the street vendors, they won´t let you just look they follow you around trying to force you to buy something. I shooed off the guy selling bubblegum wrapper purses but now I really want one and I can´t find him. I hear there´s a basilica somewhere but I haven´t found it yet.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

I swear to god I will never leave this god forsaken town. If I knew how to catch a legitimate taxi I would, and even then I´ll never make it to Cuernavaca before nightfall. I know its not his fault that he couldn´t get the time off but I´m bored out of mind and can´t help but think of how much it cost to get here. I just wanted to vent a minute, don´t be alarmed.
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