Monday, May 05, 2008

Imagine a dusty desert road with semis rushing past and people selling produce out of the back of ancient pickup trucks. The buildings are painted cinderblock little squares with a garage door for an entrance. Some people build shelters out of sticks to sell their wares, others set up a card table. Mangy stray dogs wander listlessly looking for discarded food or a filthy puddle to drink from, until they lay down in the brush to eventually die from disease. This is the outskirts of Cuautla where I spent 4 days and nearly lost my mind. The main part of town was nice, I got a picture of some cool cathedrals and ate at Super Tony´s. My waiter was wearing a chef shirt that said Romano´s Macaroni Grill. I wanted to ask when he was in Bloomington.
I saw a burro chillin in the park in Mexico City. Eating some grass.


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