Monday, August 22, 2005

Yoo hooooooooo!?

Rhianna! You out there honey?

I miss you lots. It may also be my brain's subtle way of telling me to smoke, since like Pavlov's Dogs I associate Rhianna with smoking. Rhianna is WAY less deadly than cigarettes though. Unless you count the knife.

Party update:
1. Andrew's parents are deightful
2. We have tons of middle aged and elderly neighbors that seem to have nothing better to do than garden and make me gift baskets of tomatos.
3. I shouldn't start drinking wine at 5:00 after two weeks of sleep deprivation. Apparently the party guests found me mighty amusing.
4. I think I got propositioned for a three way. I have no idea if it was serious or joking.
5. I REALLY need a couch. Actually, a couch for the living room and a loveseat for my little study/den/second bedroom.
6. About 30 people can fit on our balcony!

All in all, an enjoyable evening.

We miss you Rhianna!


Blogger Rhianna W said...

I miss you too and also realize the association between friends and cigeretts. I'm glad your party went well and that you are receiving many fine tomatos. I guess that you will find out about the three way when you are suprised by the stranger in your bed but andrew is not.

You know its too goddamn hot to smoke down here, I smoked while it was hot and sticky in MN and had to shower immediately I could feel it clinging to my clothes and skin and inside my lungs. Ick. Speaking of lungs I can't breath. My throat has healed itself of my self mutilation through smoking, but my nasal passages, throat and lungs are all clogged up with mucis apparently from previously unrealized allergies. Yeah.

4:58 PM  
Blogger Your_Host said...

Ughh. Spam comments. I deleted a bunch. I will change the settings so you have to be a member of our blog to make comments. I think I'll call them spamments.

11:07 PM  
Blogger Hazel Stone said...

Yeah, welcome to the allergen and humidity fest that is the Southern part of the Midwest!

11:00 AM  

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