Friday, November 04, 2005

The Fella

Okay, Okay. His name is Donn and he works at Whole Foods. I normally don't do the work place romance on purpose, but it kinda came outta nowhere. He's 28 and doesn't have his head up his butt-as far as I can tell. Chemska has met him and approves. It was cute...We hung out one day and we were talking about how we are the last to know if someone is into us. Then later, after watching a movie he turned to me and said:"so, remember what we were talking about earlier?" To which I shyly replied: "No." he then said: "well, I like you and I think you're pretty." And then I turned 15 years old again and replied:" I like you and think you're pretty too." "Um, I mean handsome." tee hee hee. It's so cute I want to vomit. I love the fall!


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