Wednesday, November 02, 2005

My Poles Are Off

Aren't you supposed to become "twitter-pated" in the springtime? Why does it always happen to me in October or November? I'm truly not complaining, he is a lovely gentleman-type fella. AND doesn't talk non-stop without bothering to break for listening. Oh...and smart...and geeky, just the way I like 'em! Yay. I guess I'll have someone to cuddle this winter.


Blogger Your_Host said...

The picture in my post is "The Hooded Monk" and is a very famous ghost photo. Also, Woo and Yay on finding someone cuddly. NAME PLEASE.

9:12 AM  
Blogger Rhianna W said...

I'm happy you found someone cuddly. Will I be seeing you this weekend? Or do I need to stop by work before trudging off to Southern Minnesota? Its very good to hear from you!

10:51 AM  
Blogger Hazel Stone said...

Yes, someone needs to please kidnap RR and fella and bring them to the Wedding.

Also, Andrew and I agree, the fallis the twitterpated time.

DETAILS needed!

11:24 AM  

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