Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Another entry about the Puerto Rican. They sent me out on routes with her twice and I swore her demise in the event of a third. So they sent her out alone. It was supposed to be 130 papers in Richfield, but she whined her way down to 50. Now this assignment was 2 streets, 3 blocks per street, almost every house recieving a paper. Sober math tells us that your average idiot could fill a sack with papers, and walk through the yards chucking a paper onto every porch you pass. A person of average health can walk a block in 5-7 minutes. A generous deduction would conclude that this would take less than an hour, with perhaps 20 minutes for the commute to and from work. Wait for it......5 hours later, she had 30 papers left. They sent me to find her. She had her dog with, which meant she went home to get it, which could only have added 20 minutes. "You brought a dog?" "Its dangerous out here, I need protection." "You're in fucking Richfield! .....In any event, what in god's name have you been doing out here for 5 hours?" "Delivering papers. By the way, can you tell them I'll bring back the cell phone tomorrow, I'm really tired and just want to go home." I had to end the conversation, as I was dumbstruck. (Keeping the phone after the shift is serious company theft, but apparently she didn't care) So I saved her ass by taking the phone back myself, and refused to help her with the rest of her papers. I suggested she teach her dog to help. Anyway. Thanks to my scathing reports about her inability, upon her return to work she was escorted into Angela's office, with the door locked behind her. She survived this ordeal somehow, as I saw her walk out on her own two legs. What occurred in that room was not relayed to us, but we do no that she no longer works for Strib. I am the absolute minority, once again.


Blogger Your_Host said...

Awesome story. However I felt compelled to remove names for your safety. For more information, search the term Dooced.

12:02 PM  
Blogger Chemska said...

Greg, you're a longtime friend, you know i love you, and I know you meant well, but you are not my editor. You can feel free to voice your concerns to me, but please to do not change my work.

1:06 AM  

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