Friday, June 30, 2006

Just Bitchn'

So yes. As Greg knows, I emailed (lame I know) that Adam person I'd talked about while I was in town last time to ask him out. I just couldn't do it in person. Anyway, I was turned down, he was flattered, of course, but anyway you count it it's a solid no thanks. AND THEN!!! I swear, later that week after I figured out I was okay talking to me, he called me up and we went out to a movie. I think it was a guilt trip outing. Where he felt guilty so we did a couple of things I'd mentioned in passing. Weird. Certain friends here and I have decided there must be some weird disconnect between this man's dick and his brain. Seriously, but he's a really really nice guy so we still hang out. Anyway, so on the dating front I guess I get an "E" for effort.

I've had this sudden nagging thought that up in the North Woods Mr. Joe has gotten married. If Mr. Joe gets married to the woman I think it is that will be the FOURTH man to have me as the last woman they dated before they married. Well, dating Mr. Joe would be stretching it I'll admit, I promised I'd wait till the end of his school year to date him, but for a man who carried a torch for me for three years, finally tell me he loved me and move in with someone else, which is what he did. I feel that it counts for something on my record. Or not. Dude, statistically it's just fucked up, that's all I'm saying. And I almost want to see how long I can keep it up. Or not. And then I thought that this started in high school with the man I dated before Mike. Paul and I dated and then he knocked up his next girl friend and THEY got married. But then I was like WAIT! WAIT! He cheated on me with my friend Lisa at the time so Lisa was the last one. YES!!!

So I haven't written about the wedding yet 'cause I haven't been in the mood. I've been rather flat lately, blah, blah, blah. I'm sorry I never called you Hazel. The week just went so fast, and we only have dial up at home. And man can you just NOT go back once you've had hi speed internet. Anyway highlights of the wedding & week before:

Aw, fuck it, we'll just jump to the grooms dinner. At the grooms dinner, we had a rosted pig in the pole barn of Erin's Father in Law. The pig was fine. The children were running rampent so after telling them to stop once or twice, Uncle Randy just tripped the little buggers as they ran past. I then (in my mature fashion) started a food fight with the dinner mints in little dishes on the tables. Afterwards I went to the hotel my family was staying in so I could go swimming. And when I got home my mother was WAITING UP FOR ME! To tell me she didn't like my attitude of the past week and that I shouldn't flip my sister the bird. My sister tattled on me for flipping her off at the spa, for fucks sake! So my mother stayed up and started to chew me out and then complain that "everyone" was saying she was crabby and excuse her if her back hurt. And when I started to reply I'd said no such thing she actually yelled at me to "shut up". Well fuck that, I walked out on her.

So the next day she acted as if nothing happened. Typical. For the wedding I think the maid of honor was actually more nervous than the bride. She started crying Saturday morning at the hair salon the poor woman was so stressed out. Well we got everything set up at the wedding and then got dressed and took pictures. It was at this time we discovered that Erin's dress was a magnet for bugs. In the picture to the right you'll see Erin trying to air out the various creatures that crawled up in between the layers of tuelle.

So we took pictures of the grooms family and the brides family seperately before the wedding so the groom wouldn't see the bride. So we waited in the changing room while the groom's pics were taken and poor Erin. The air circulation was terrible and she was just dying, AND trying not to drink too much fluids so she wouldn't have to pee in her dress. Later she needed to use the bathroom however and I had to help with the positioning of the dress and what not. Isn't that a nice bonding experience? So yeah, poor Erin is just dying so I found this little fan and said Hold Still. Then stuck it under the layers of tuelle and hoop skirt. She was like "Wow, that's sooo much better!" Here is my sister with my nerf gun:

So then for the wedding procession, I of course walked down the aisle with the shortest groomsman. Go figure. But this is where Romi's deft use of eye contact and hand signals came in handy. Didn't know I had those skills did ya? Huh? Huh? So first it was like: How do we start the ceremony? Seriously this was a question. Chris (the groom) replied "Cue the DJ" so I got the man's attention and cued that. Then once everyone was up there I cued the DJ to start the bride's march down the aisle song. But it was very pretty, Erin looked really nice. Everything was going well when the Maid of Honor says to me out of the corner of her mouth: "Rhianna, I don't have the ring." Oh shit.

So I look to the back of the room to see my brother holding the ring box in one hand and pointing to it with the other, with this kind of "Don't you need this?" look on his face. This little display is what must have brought to the Maid of Honor's mind that she was missing something. Oops. So using hand and eye signals (which would be funnier if I could act this part out for you) I got Nick to sneak to

the front row of the service, of which only my parents were seated. And then he slid down the pew until he was facing me. And the he TOSSED the ring box to me during the ceremony and I CAUGHT IT! Without even really having to move. I just opened my hand and bent my knees a little. It was amazing, like a couple people in the second row of my family saw it, 'cause the were wondering what the hell the usher was scooting around the front pew for. But no one else, they were all rivited to the sight of my pretty sister. So I then passed the ring to the Maid of Honor and she took the ring out, passed the box back to me and I tossed the empty box back to Nick. he he.

So the ceremony went well and the reception was very nice. It was really one of the best buffets I've been to at a wedding. They actually had whole grilled portebella mushrooms! Very nice. Here's a nice picture of the pavillion with Erin and Chris:

Here's a picture of Dad with his brothers:

And yes I brought bubble guns for my Uncles and a nerf dart gun for my self. I had a bag of extra ammo strapped to my leg under my skirt the whole day and I smuggled the gun to the reception table before the ceremony even started. So I enjoyed shooting small children and my family. Unfortunalty my family is so good at dodging bullets that I hit a couple guests while they were eating. Oops.

Oh, the groom's family also brought a former German exchange student to the wedding with them. His name was Mirco and he was a friggen blast. He was hilarious and he was our drunk for the evening, which is great cause he was a happy drunk. Here's Mirco dancing with my sister at the Dollar Dance:

So yeah, good times.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Sound familiar Chemska?

Worker flicks wrong switch, costs Nova $11 mln | "CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - A worker accidentally tripping a shut-off switch at a major Ontario plastics plant will cost Nova Chemicals Corp. $11 million in lost profit, the company said on Wednesday, because it won't be able to fulfill some contracts because of the blunder.

A contractor's employee installing a structural steel platform at an ethylene plant in Corunna, Ontario, mistakenly activated a process shutdown switch on Monday afternoon, halting production and forcing two weeks of repairs at the facility."

I seem to remember a certain someone blowing bubbles on the job and tripping a safety switch of some sort. Hmmmm....

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I know she's probably been busy with post wedding/family de-compression; but I wanted to say I really enjoyed your visit! Viva la Coterie!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Spooky beyond belief

BLDGBLOG: "Mobile execution chambers are now on the road in China. As a replacement for the firing squad, this is nomadic power, bringing the state – and lethal injections – to your doorstep."

Later in the article they link the death vans to the illegal organ trade in China. Lethal injection is better than a firing squad for preserving the integrity of the organs.

So does anyone out there remember the old Monty Python sketch where someone comes to reposess the liver of a guy because he didn't keep up with the payments?

Brrr. It's getting colder out there in the world.

Spooky beyond belief

BLDGBLOG: "Mobile execution chambers are now on the road in China. As a replacement for the firing squad, this is nomadic power, bringing the state – and lethal injections – to your doorstep."

Later in the article they link the death vans to the illegal organ trade in China. Lethal injection is better than a firing squad for preserving the integrity of the organs.

So does anyone out there remember the old Monty Python sketch where someone comes to reposess the liver of a guy because he didn't keep up with the payments?

Brrr. It's getting colder out there in the world.

Friday, June 16, 2006

eugene mirman

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

More Unnatural than Republicans

Or more unnatural than the walking dead are birds singing their little brains out because of all the out dore lights in the universe are on at four thirty in the fucking morning. I am soo ready to go out with a b-b gun and shoot out all the goddamn lights in my neighborhood. Its just wrong and it wakes me up at this fucking hour. Not to mention the pimp mobile came home at four and decided to just sit running in the parking lot for what seemed eternity, which on a normal car would be an enviromental no-no but this pimped out pupped with the surgically enhanced muffler is so loud just idiling it makes me want to beat someone (read: pimp mobile owner) with a fucking stick. Their just lucky I'm sleeping with no pants on or I would come out with my big stick and beat the crap out of that car. Fuckers.

And on a SUNDAY morning they thought it'd be a GREAT idea to trim the hedges with their fucking motorized hedge trimmer. Who are they? The fucking gardening service. What are they doing working on a Sunday? Abusing (more than likely) illegal immigrents into working long hours with little pay and WAKING ME UP AT nine in the fucking morning with their noise and get this: gasoline powered leaf blower. Right outside my fucking window so not only do I get unbelieveable noise but gas fumes to boot. Whoever thought it was a good idea to add combustible engines to the zen art of gardening better be dead by now because I know that with the invention of the leaf blower thousands, possibly millions, of people curse his memory Every. Day of the. Year. Fuckers. fuck fuck fuckity cuck. Oh just give me a vicadin and a shot of bourbon already.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Baby Killers and Popes

So I've been spending some of my time at work catching up on the news. Well actually part of my job is to skim the local paper for stories concerning people with disabilities, so I still have to learn the fine are of "skimming". Oh well. Anyway, there was an article in the Indy Star saying that there is a slim majority who would oppose a total abortion ban in the state of IN. Now that's the happy news. The sad news is that the news paper is apparently bias and had ONE quote from a pro choice person and about three or four quotes from the facist pro-lifers. Two of them happened to have had abortions at young ages and say how they continue to regret their decision every day of their lives.

First I would like to tell them to get over it. You know she'll older now and if she has children she's scarring them for life by distressing about what never was for what she has. And of course the other question was: why did you have an abortion in the first place? Was it your family, your upbringing? She for some reason outside herself felt forced to have an abortion. Those are the things that need to be eliminated or altered in some way. Because I can assure you no one at the clinic kidnapped her held her down and forced the abortion on her. She's just looking for someone else to blame beside herself because she can't take responcability for her own actions. Bitch. And then of course she's telling people to abstain from sex when she couldn't keep her own legs shut. Fuck. You. Bitch. Oh, wait you alread are...

And now on to the pope, pope clement the sadistic bastard in charge of the catholic church. Apparently over the Memorial Day weekend he visited Auschwitz Because he was forcefully recruted in the Nazi youth group, however if your so fucking sorry and still wringing your hands over THAT atrocity why don't you stop some atrocity going on right now? So no one has to suffer like the Jews did? For starters you could try stopping the genocide of Darfur . Not to mention all the women and girls forced to undergo genital mutilation in Sudan anyway. If anything the best way to honor the Jews killed is to yes, remember them but to also stop it from happening again. Apologies don't mean jack squat if you keep doing the same stupid thing over and over.

Or maybe say your against the killing of baby girls and wives in India. Because you KNOW men are worth more...uh huh.
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