Saturday, June 03, 2006

Baby Killers and Popes

So I've been spending some of my time at work catching up on the news. Well actually part of my job is to skim the local paper for stories concerning people with disabilities, so I still have to learn the fine are of "skimming". Oh well. Anyway, there was an article in the Indy Star saying that there is a slim majority who would oppose a total abortion ban in the state of IN. Now that's the happy news. The sad news is that the news paper is apparently bias and had ONE quote from a pro choice person and about three or four quotes from the facist pro-lifers. Two of them happened to have had abortions at young ages and say how they continue to regret their decision every day of their lives.

First I would like to tell them to get over it. You know she'll older now and if she has children she's scarring them for life by distressing about what never was for what she has. And of course the other question was: why did you have an abortion in the first place? Was it your family, your upbringing? She for some reason outside herself felt forced to have an abortion. Those are the things that need to be eliminated or altered in some way. Because I can assure you no one at the clinic kidnapped her held her down and forced the abortion on her. She's just looking for someone else to blame beside herself because she can't take responcability for her own actions. Bitch. And then of course she's telling people to abstain from sex when she couldn't keep her own legs shut. Fuck. You. Bitch. Oh, wait you alread are...

And now on to the pope, pope clement the sadistic bastard in charge of the catholic church. Apparently over the Memorial Day weekend he visited Auschwitz Because he was forcefully recruted in the Nazi youth group, however if your so fucking sorry and still wringing your hands over THAT atrocity why don't you stop some atrocity going on right now? So no one has to suffer like the Jews did? For starters you could try stopping the genocide of Darfur . Not to mention all the women and girls forced to undergo genital mutilation in Sudan anyway. If anything the best way to honor the Jews killed is to yes, remember them but to also stop it from happening again. Apologies don't mean jack squat if you keep doing the same stupid thing over and over.

Or maybe say your against the killing of baby girls and wives in India. Because you KNOW men are worth more...uh huh.


Blogger Hazel Stone said...

I have this mental picture of the Swiss guards who secure the Vatican being dropped off in Darfur by helicopter in their traditional costume.

11:00 AM  
Blogger Chemska said...

does the pope really have jurisdiction in islamic countries?

10:01 PM  

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