Thursday, August 17, 2006

Bad Times

I was checking the blogs I read regularly for updates and I came across this:

from Pound » "A nice person with regular people problems.": ..."Bad Times conditions produce varying results within a consistent pattern of badness. Your shopping cart gets swiped. You wait in line and then the line closes. They’re inexplicably all out of water, or candy, or something amazing like that. Everything you need is available only in some horrifyingly wrong form, size and/or quantity, i.e., tampons which come in boxes of two hundred and are the super-ultra-maximum kind with scented musical applicators. The ATM is down, always. You’re lost in the aisles and the song “We Didn’t Start the Fire” is playing. So many things around you suck to distraction that you forget half the things you meant to get, and you stumble home defeated and with the distinct sense that none of this bullshit would have happened if only you’d gone to the other Jewel or Walgreens or Osco or Dominck’s. Bad Times stores are the ones you find yourself going out of the way to avoid for one reason or another. Sometimes you can articulate why, sometimes you can’t."

I must say that after the hysterical laughter stopped I started trying to think of the bad times stores that I have visited/visit on a regular basis. There is the laundromat on Lyndale and 33rd where the floor shakes enough to throw april off her balance and the machines eat more quarters than they take. There is the Rainbow foods in nordeast where the lights give Katie a panic attack. There is the home depot in the same shopping center with those self checkouts that always mis-register items and their constant chatter can be heard all the way across the store like the ring-ring-ringing of those stupid slot machines.

I have had lots of bad times experiences, see if you can tell me about some of yours.


Blogger Hazel Stone said...

ANY Home Depot seems to produce limitless Bad Times for me.


11:16 AM  
Blogger Rhianna W said...

For me it's any Best Buy, I hate them the lines suck, the people are NOT helpful, they never have what I want. Let's see who else...PetCo, they only sell Pepsi products. Hey, and when I have to go all the way across town to get there by the time I get there I want a Coke damn it! Especially when there's a ten people line and only one cashier.

9:21 AM  

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