Friday, August 11, 2006

I laugh when I should cry has a hilarious new release from America's best Christian Betty Bowers:
Mrs. Betty Bowers July 2006 Newsletter: George W. Bush's 4-Point Plan for the Middle East: "Whereas Truman adopted the Marshall Plan as the centerpiece of American foreign policy, our current president has adopted a more universal concept. It is called the Law of Unintended Consequences. To wit, President Bush made Iran powerful by destroying Afghanistan and Iraq. And since Iran has had the temerity to fill the vacuum we created, they must be punished. Of course, we have no troops to even keep New Orleans safe, much less make Tehran unsafe. So America's new war with Iran has been outsourced to Israel and Hezbollah, who are respectively, if not respectfully, pushing the buttons on our bombs. And Condoleezza Rice is left to turn shuttle diplomacy into scuttle diplomacy. In a stroke of inspiration, Condi has appropriated her method of brokering peace from Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie by regarding America's two biggest threats (Iran and North Korea) with a snarling, 'I'm not talking to her! She knows what she did.' "

I love to read her stuff because it is perfectly absurd, wonderfully irreverant and truly good reporting.


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