Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Oh yeah... I'm paying for it...

So I'm taking "Library Automation" which is supposed to familiarize me with various automation software and techniques for librarians. Yes, there is special software.

Anyway this is one of those classes where the teacher likes lots of "class participation" and today (2nd class session) we were covering hardware basics like "this is a parellel cable" type things and there was fun "can you match the port picture to the description of what you would plug into it" In color! Oh joy! But getting this class to participate was like pulling teeth, I was yelling out lots of answers just to get it going. At one point he had us write down the "Windows Software Family Tree", I wondered out loud if it wasn't like a southern family tree in that it has no branches and was awarded with a few snickers. Anyway then he wanted someone to write it on the board and NO ONE GOT UP! Just as he was saying "Don't make me point someone out." I was like "oh jesus" and grabbed someone elses notebook (no I didn't do the excercise) and wrote their answers on the board.

Afterward D---- (fellow student) said "Romi, I see you were annoyed with the lack of participation." to which I replied "Class participation makes class go faster!" "Hmm" said D----- "I'm beginning to realize this."

Oh, god, just end my pain now, END IT!!! And I can't even get people to go out for half-price martinis. Just what the hell is going on with this world?!?!


Blogger Your_Host said...

People just don't get it at all. The best time you can have is spending time with other people. Participating in things takes all the torture out of life.


12:15 PM  
Blogger Hazel Stone said...

It may not be you, it may be tthe martinis. I think they are gross.

Don't these people know, if you are bored or dislike class MAKE SARCASTIC COMMENTS don't just tune out!

2:13 PM  

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