Sunday, April 29, 2007

Townie Auction Fabulousness

Hello All, in town there is this fabulous little ice cream stand called the Chocolate Moose and for the past week I've been on a sno cone binge and going every freakin day and bringing whoever I can drag along. (Dude, the snow cones are only 48 cents, and I LOVE sno cones!!!)

Anyway, Jess and I were sitting in the parking lot eating our tasty treats when I"m like "What the hell is that?" And down the alley a little ways, you can't even see it from the road is this little cinder block auction house with auctions ever Saturday at 6:30! Hell yeah! And we go this Saturday and I can't even explain how fabulous, I mean the auctoneer knows just about everybody bidding and they just have tons of shit, most of it doesn't go for over $3 if that. Jess got a wine glass set with a low ball glass set, like 6 of one 8 of the other, for a buck! I got two umbrellas for a buck. But it's the most townie thing I've been too and I think we're going next week. It was just great, since it was nice out they had the garage door open to it was open air and the blocked off the alley way. And this older couple must foster or something and they had a little girl with them and they bought her this HUGE purple dog and she was riding that thing up and down the alley way and just having a ball. And then there was this other woman who just bought tons of stuff and bought this huge basket full of bubble wrap and other packaging stuff and we figured she was padding her SSI check with a little e-bay entrepunerialship (not a bad idea).

Oh, but o-my-god, I've been here almost two years now and we've just started to get out of the "College town" crap, we've started to hang out at the Players Pub on Tuesdays which is open jam night and the music is they best and then there is this little guy that everybody knows who gets up and does a comic routine every once in a while and I can't discribe the fabulousness. Just can't, I wish you were here...

Monday, April 16, 2007

I'm still alive

Hello everyone! So I don't know about the Chemska got a job party, the new job only pays $300 a week until they hire me in June (if they do) and after reviewing my finances, after bills this leaves me with $18 a month to blow on myself. So I started a painting company which I am trying to put in 30 hours a week at, and take 4 classes, which might work now that I have figured out a proper schedule. I didn't turn in anything on the first week, half the assignments on the second, I might survive. If I stick it out til June and get hired, I will make $500 a week. If I finish the Bachelor's with at least a 3.0 I qualify to apply for the CIA as an overseas administrator. Sticking it out being the main bullet point of this presentation. All I seriously do is work and work and do homework. But if I don't lose my mind (I've been hallucinating from stress, nothing too bad- just corner of the eye visuals and external voices, and getting physically sick) I can get a special ops job in Japan.... and live in a penthouse on the Asian sea (On the beach of Okinawa). By the way, my fool brother called to tell me that he lives in a penthouse on the Asian Sea, and goes scuba diving all the time, goes to lots of parties, and frequents Fukeryu. I thought of it first, dammit. Touche ya rat bastard, we will meet again.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

once again

I just have to put this up, I don't need any pity or encouragment, I just want to get it off my chest into somewhere else. But once again I started to like a person to only find out they were interested in who I was hanging out with. He came out with us one night and asked her out a couple of days later, it just always hits hard at first and after a while just eh. It is always difficult to start to hope than have it crushed. That's it, I'll let you know if anything new happens on the job front later.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Let the music play

I'm adding a widget that will hopefully let you hear some of the music that I have been listening to. Let me know if it doesn't work.

Monday, April 02, 2007


These are the cliff notes version of my trip to Baltimore for the ACRL Librarian Conference:

0. Leave Thursday for Baltimore
1 Left phone in car and realize on plane
2. Arrived at deserted airport terminal (no chairs, ticket desks or people)
3. Drag luggage through convention center
4 1st taxi driver doesn't know where the hotel is
5 2nd taxi driver got in a fight with another taxi driver over my fare, had security guard rescue my luggage from trunk of taxi.
6. 3rd taxi driver finds hotel and drops me off (fare was $30), says "Nice lobby." of the hotel with peeling exterior, dingy interior lit by a lone dying floresent bulb, the clerk is a wisened east indian woman behing bullet proof glass who informs me that the EconoLodge I'm looking for is BEHIND this shit hole and I drag myself and luggage through the alley to the hotel at the end.
7. Find phone, in bag all along greatly relieved.
8. next morning find another conference goer, we promptly ditch the Econo lodge and find better lodgings together.
9. The convention center is stuffed with over 3,000 librarians, and hundreds of Mary Kay Ladies and underage cheerleaders dressed like hookers. I use the men's room.
10. Attend luncheon with guest speaker John Waters, out of 3,000 people only a dozen leave and I LOVE IT!
11. Rest of conference educational, uneventful and not worth expounding on. Get a really nice "manly attachee" as a part of conference package though.
12. Sunday go home.
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