Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Travel in the UP

So this past weekend I spent at least 20 hours in the car driving to Lansing and back for work. They don't make you do this very often thank god. I opted out of flying because to fly there you first take a plane from Houghton to Minneapolis, from Minneapolis to Detroit, from Detroit to Lansing and then you rent a car. Sometimes flying there takes just as long as driving due to all the transfers. And with the airlines back into the habit of overbooking, sometimes it takes longer! Thus I drove.

So on the way there I took one day and did a straight shot from Houghton and Lansing only stopping to eat. And it was funny. I stopped in Alma and the first thing I noticed was the thistle flowers on the street signs. Hmmm, I thought to myself, must be a scottish town. Sure enough, I stop at this place labeled "Pub", which turns out to be "The Braveheart Pub" complete with all manner of swords and scotish things and the waitresses wear kilts with knee high stockings. The weekend after labor day they will be celebrating "Crazy MacDuck Days" by the way.

The little bit of Lansing I saw was okay. The state library is an awesome building I must admit. They actually built the building around this white pine.

And on the way back to Houghton I stopped at the worlds tallest crusifix with the worlds largest collection of dolls dressed as nuns. Saw the man killer clam and the Call of the Wild museum. I will post more when I get the pictures developed. Yes, I forgot my digital camera, of course.


Blogger Hazel Stone said...

I'm SOOOOOO looking forward to Michigan!

5:36 PM  

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