Monday, August 22, 2005


Hello Everybody, things are okay down here. This is my first day alone as my parents left yesterday. I want to live in an indent in the middle of everything. As it stands I'm on a hill so its always up hill coming home which makes biking a pain. Well actually the bike path outside my house is fine as it resembles a sign wave with the crest infront of my home, it is unfortunately punctuated by large electrical poles in the middle of the path. So you start on a hill, get enough momentum to crest one hill go down another and at high velocity zoom around an electrical pole and dodge stupid rabbits. One of these days coming home I'm going to have to choose between hitting a pole or hitting a rabbit... well at least I have my skinning knife.

My parents and I searched for three days for a sofa and never found one in the price range my dad had in his head and had previously not broadcast until I found something I liked. However, while perusing the non airconditioned furniture stores - one was in a barn and the second floor floor had ripples like a skate boarders wet dream - we realized that furniture stores in Bloomington was like fire work stalls else where, hastily thrown together for the new student season they fleeced the kids parents while they could and are devoid of customers for the rest of the year. So as of now there is no couch for me.

Oh and on a note for Greg to laugh at again, since my car died my grandparents offered my the use of one of their cars: a small pick-up truck and a Lincoln Towncar Senator's Edition. And of course the Lincoln is white with tan leather. Another option for local transportation is something that makes me think of Greg. They sell it at the bookstore and call it "The Hoosier Cruiser" its a small- I think collapsible- scooter decorated white with crimson details.

I've also found the local gamer hangout. While I'm sure there's more this one is on my walk to the coffeshop in the middle of a small strip mall and there are two things about the place that make me giggle: It is the only place with a place for cigarette butts and the hours are noon to nine except on Saturdays which are noon to 3am-ish. It's probably just me, I think its cute.


Blogger Your_Host said...

I laugh at you again. HAHAHAHAHA.
The thought of you driving a continental after using a saturn for so many years causes much amusement. It has the turning radius of a planet. Oh well, I suppose that you do need transport. Althought the scooter thing does sound pretty cool.

11:14 PM  
Blogger Hazel Stone said...

I vote driving the Lincoln to go cruise for sleep-deprived gamer boys at 3:30 am down at the strip mall.

That is the funniest mental image ever.


11:03 AM  
Blogger Rhianna W said...

There's actually a Jewish temple down the street from my house so I could pickup at least 6 guys in that thing 9 if I stick three in the trunk and call it the Gaming Jew mobile. :)

10:56 AM  
Blogger Hazel Stone said...


You have to invite me over for that! Praise Gods for open-marriage!



12:57 PM  
Blogger Your_Host said...

You can't tell me you didn't site yourself that way with malice aforethought. Good for you.

1:37 PM  

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