Monday, September 26, 2005

I am sooo silly

So I have a bird feeder out 'cause I can. And I have a Tufted Titmouse comming to the feeder. And I love the fact that saying Tufted Titmouse makes me giggle. Tufted Titmouse, TUFTed titmouse, tuftED Titmouse, TUFTed TITmouse. Try it. And I know there is a huge population out there that thinks I'm wacked but hey, we don't have them in Minnesota and I'm easily amused. Tufted Titmouse.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Those Crazy Hoosiers

They let people hunt in the State forests! Theres a little sign when you come in asking Hunters to let the ranger know you're there. And the first couple of miles you drive in there's no paths like they have in MN its more like Hansel and Grettle leaving bread crums, except that the bread crumbs where substituted for empty shootgun cartredges. And I'll tell you that I was so unsurprised that when I found a random DNR sign in the middle of no where with shotgun holes in it, it didn't even hit me that that was wrong until dinner time. Oh by the way the picture with a pink strip in the tree is of the path. There are three more hot pink strips in the picture that is the continueing path. Can you find them?

My week has been a week of speed bumps people and it sucks. First I wait for a package from my mother and it doesn't show up so I go run errend at like five (I waited all day for the UPS guy!) when I get back he's come and gone and left it at the office which is now closed but should be open on Saturday according to the posted hours. It didn't open on Saturday. I went to get my meds filled but it turns out I only have medical not pharmisutical. WTF people?!? When was the last time you went to the doctor and they didn't proscribe something? Take your drugs! Its the AMERICAN WAY!!! When I went to call the psychiatrists my "Insurance Company" told me to use, one is disconnected and the other is a crisis line that isn't open on the Weekends. 'Cause people don't have crisises on the weekend. Then I went downtown for the lotus mustic festival and the tents were all up... but closed. And then the lady that has Turkish called my mother to talk to me. Mom relayed the message but assumed I had her number. I didn't. I had the phone company send the list of numbers I called in August. When I get the list it only goes to Aug 10th and I didn't call her on my cell phone until the 12th, so I've got no number.

I think that I've given up on having a relationship and I don't know how I feel about that. On one hand it's pretty handy. Who gives a shit if all the men of our generation are fucked up beyond repair, I don't need to date them, waste my time with them, make an investment in which they are too scared to get hurt in I can't even get a fucking hug. For a while my expectations were so low I never expected commitment and now they are sooo loow that I don't even expect anything. Kinda nice. At the same time I feel horribly jaded. But I think for now I'll let it slide. Fuck. I mean i've got things to do with my life instead of waste it on someone who's not even sure he can feel let alone is sure enough in himself not to be an idiot.

I miss you all. The internet and phone are nice for communication but nothing substitues good old face to face converstation with all it entales.

And if you're wondering I put the wrong picture up there. There are no little hot pink strips among the mushrooms. And now blooger is not uploading my pics. Damn YOU!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Friday, September 16, 2005


I'm in love with a Puggle. It is the cutest little puppy I've ever seen! Its 3/4pug and 1/4 beagle. So he has a little bit of a squished nose but not so much that he can't breath and its little eye balls don't look like there going to pop out of his head. But he is sooo cute and I got to play with him and pet him and leave the store before I bought him. So cute!!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2005


So today I just had a horrible HORRIBLE incident and I think that just sharing with the world is the thing to do. So its that time of the month and on a scale of 1 to 10, one being unnoticable 10 being curled in a ball of pain in the bath tub due to the massive amounts of blood this is like a 2.5 Yup, it's there but at the same Anyway half way through class today we had a fifteen minute break. During this time I went to the restroom to do the thing and when I removed the cup, I don't know what happened cause I didn't yank it, but it just flung blood all over the floor of the stall. ALL OVER!!! But luckly not really all over and I somehow only got a drop of blood on my pants. But seriously folks all I could do was stare in horror of the mess I made in a bathroom with only two stalls and a line! On the toilet seat and a splat mark at least 18" long dear god. So I cleaned it all up washed my self off and was then locked out of the class room and the teach had to let me back in. And the blood and running around and the lateness and I'm still recovering from the adreniline of horror. Just sitting in class waiting for someone to tell me I had blood on me somewhere or going: "Hey! Didn't you just throw blood all over the bathroom like in the set of "Carrie?" Some days are just hell.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

And now begins the fun>>>

Well kids, it looks like we'll start moving in on the 23rd of this month. I am so excited I could just puke. Anyway, there is so much to do I don't have time for regurgitiation. The most fun part is figuring out the house insurance which will be somewhere in the ballpark of $650.00. That does cover us for a year however.

And then there is packing, oh joyous packing. I am going to try to out together my books and cd's so that I can make a list of what I have. Then you guys have first pick.

And setting up utilities and services. Rapture.

But once it is all done, I will have a house and it will be MINE! (and katies)

It looks like we won't have a room that will be just for guests after all, we are going to have another renter. That's OK, I plan to have a fold out couch in the office room. Katie and I are having so much fun planning the rooms out. This is going to be a blast!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Exterior Posted by Picasa
Built in in the office Posted by Picasa
Living room window Posted by Picasa
Living room windows Posted by Picasa
The front door Posted by Picasa
The bathroom has a built in linen closet Posted by Picasa
another view of the bath Posted by Picasa
another bedroom Posted by Picasa
another bedroom Posted by Picasa
The landing Posted by Picasa
Bedroom Posted by Picasa
We need to put in a shower Posted by Picasa
Bathroom Posted by Picasa
Bookshelf Posted by Picasa
Our window box:-) Posted by Picasa
The Buffet Posted by Picasa
Here are the pictures that I took of the house today! Posted by Picasa

I just had to say this...

So I heard that they are pumping out New Orleans. And while I agree that part of the city is georgeous and the city's history is downright amazing, wouldn't it maybe be best to just leave it? The hurricane seasons these past two years have just been the worse in history (cough-global warming), rebuilding the city now would be like a little kid building a sand castle to close to the waves. And when I visited the city two years ago I was amazed at the disparity of living. It was like more than half the city was in poverty, the only industry New Orleans has any more is tourisim. If people want to rebuild their city this is the perfect time to move it and start all over again. They could try being the first city of true living equality, who knows. I just think that saving the city now would be futile. I realize the want or even need to return home, but with the possiblitity of watching these people evacuate and die every hurrican season is just stupid.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

For the roo

Here is copy of the story you were talking about:
Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things: "Kanye West: 'George Bush doesn't care about black people'
Singer Kanye West (who is black), in a promotional TV appearance with Mike Meyers (who is white) for the NBC telethon to raise money for Katrina victims.

[Kanye -- not reading from teleprompter, as planned]: 'I hate the way they portray us in the media. If you see a black family it says they are looting if you see a white family it says they are looking for food. (...) those are my people down there. (...) 'We already realize a lot of the people that could help are at war now fighting another way and they've given them permission to go down and shoot us.'

[Meyers, visibly uncomfortable, reads from prompter script. Camera cuts back to Kanye, who pauses, then says]

'George Bush doesn't care about black people!'

[camera abruptly switches back to a stunned Myers, then to actor Chris Tucker]

Link to transcript and context in a WaPo story.

NBC quickly issued this statement:

Kanye West departed from the scripted comments that were prepared for him, and his opinions in no way represent the views of the networks. It would be most unfortunate if the efforts of the artists who participated tonight and the generosity of millions of Americans who are helping those in need are overshadowed by one person's opinion.

But they are far more than one man's opinion.

Link to video (Windows); Link (Quicktime), a torrent, here is another mirror. (Thanks, David Gallardo, Charles Vestal, and Kinsley)

Reader comment: Mr. Snitch says,

Your linked Kayne West video feeds have maxed out and are not working. Consider eliminating some of them, and adding this link, which is responding well: Link

Reader comment: Jason Short says,

Comcast is currently censoring CNN Headline news right now because they are showing the Kayne West clip. Every half hour the last 8 minutes of the CNN broadcast is being replaced by public access TV.

Update: not so, Comcast "

Stupid Freakin Coputer

My laptops keyboard died. So I bought a new(used) computer and have spent the afternoon messing around with the damn thing. Thank goodness for Credit Cards. Katie and I are getting all the house stuff taken care of and the main way that we are communicating with our realtor and loan officer is by email. I got a pretty sweet deal though, I got a complete P3 system and added a wireless card for under $200.00. So I'm pretty happy about it, I have been meaning to do that for a long time and this will give me something to experiment on once I have the laptop fixed.

Friday, September 02, 2005

I got the house!

We just heard back from the realtor, we got the house! This means we'll be closing Oct. 1st or Sep. 30th. I'll let everyone know when I hear more. And soon I'll be able to post pictures.

I need a long weekend

So Andrew and I returned from our big wedding site search last Sunday. When we got home in the late evening our downstairs tenant Alison said she'd had a couple flea bites and wanted us to take care of it.

So, to make a long story short...about $300, tons of work, dozens of cat baths and clouds of pesticides later we are pretty sure that the fleas are gone. The bummer is that Andrew and I were working on this basically every night this week. Vacuuming, bathing the cats, treating the house and so forth.

In fact we even worked on it on the night of his birthday this week, though we were able to get out and go to Buca at 10 pm. So that was nice. But my whole house has been sprayed or sprinkled with poison and all the cats have been bathed by us (inexpertly at best) at least three times and finally we called in the groomer.

I found Julie the Groomer, who lives in North Minneapolis. She gave me a bunch of good advice for free over the phone about how to get rid of the fleas in the apartment (Andrew had found a bunch of stuff online which we learned used to work, but the fleas developed a resistance to it). She let us know that the fleabomb approach is pretty useless and a huge mess, so we avoided that. Also, when she answered the door as I dropped off the kitties, she was wearing a leopard print smock...and nothing else. Maybe she just wanted to avoid gettting fleas and bathwater all over her clothes.

Or she's a nudist groomer.

Turns out, Andrew's Chartreux have such a dense coat of fur that we had not even really touched the fleas, even after bathing them every night five nights in a row. So we sent them to Julie and they came back looking like kitty models.

OK, now my Italian Rage Girl moment...everyone is pretty sure that the fleaas are the remnants of Brenda (Evil Former Tenant) and her dog walking service that she had going without permission from the old landlord.

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