Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I just had to say this...

So I heard that they are pumping out New Orleans. And while I agree that part of the city is georgeous and the city's history is downright amazing, wouldn't it maybe be best to just leave it? The hurricane seasons these past two years have just been the worse in history (cough-global warming), rebuilding the city now would be like a little kid building a sand castle to close to the waves. And when I visited the city two years ago I was amazed at the disparity of living. It was like more than half the city was in poverty, the only industry New Orleans has any more is tourisim. If people want to rebuild their city this is the perfect time to move it and start all over again. They could try being the first city of true living equality, who knows. I just think that saving the city now would be futile. I realize the want or even need to return home, but with the possiblitity of watching these people evacuate and die every hurrican season is just stupid.


Blogger Hazel Stone said...

This may be crazy, but I thought we could just build better seawalls? The historic and cultural value just seems to great ot let it go.

Now redesigning the city to leave and protect the core, old town stuff and let the sea take less important areas...maybe.

11:49 AM  
Blogger Your_Host said...

Unfortunaetly, if they leave the city the way it is, it would be an even bigger ecological disaster than it is. there is several hundred years worth of toxic waste under all those houses. And the possibilities for disease vectors are attrocious.

12:31 PM  

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