Tuesday, August 30, 2005

How in the hell...

Okay, finally I have properly accepted the blogger invite without destroying a computer by putting my foot through it, or at least wanting to gnaw it to bits. No one ever invite me to do anything like this again, okey dokey?
Rhianna- I heard that you eat babies. I have a great recipe with oregano, lemon and olive oil. It's called "Greek Baby". Deee-lish! What's your omlette recipe like? Funny stuff aside, I miss you terribly, no one drives as fast as you. Zzzzzzzz. I need a race. My mom says "hi" and she wishes you well. Whole foods is becoming somewhat of a bore. Maybe I can switch departments, but then they want you to have an "action plan".
So, I'm just now getting rid of that nasty cold, flu, sinus in-fuck-tion, whatever I had. But I'm still coughing up all sorts of glory. "S.J." (a.k.a. Chemska) (what's wrong with your actual name) (But I'm being sarcastic and not mean.) and I went to the 90's on Sunday and had a fabulous time. I ended up bumping into Nate and Shena and...yes, Rhianna, I bumped into George. He told me to say "He-ey". Then we went to Perkins and had food with some of the new friends we met. Chemska's uncle apparently adores my hair, which I took as a compliment of the highest degree.
Also, I have found out that I have lost 15 pounds since the beginning of summer. Yay. And then I found out that I make too much money to have MinnesotaCare. Damn. So at least there's still balance in nature. I guess. Love You All!


Blogger Rhianna W said...

I doo hate babies! Oh I do! And I'm very glad that you were able to muddle your way on to the blogging scene. I miss you too! Sheila told me a little about your gay 90's adventure. She told me about the queen who danced with her and his vibrating ass. I also miss going fast as I am with out a vehicle. I'm doing fine here and I have a "date", "blind meeting" with a guy next week so that should be fun. My phone number is the same so if you want to call feel free. Kisses darling!

1:27 AM  
Blogger Hazel Stone said...

Blind meeting.

It sounds so romantic!

10:22 AM  
Blogger Your_Host said...

It's not my fault that your literate in a multiple set of languages but not computer. Sheesh.

2:16 PM  

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