Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Back from the Arid West

Hey everybody! (you have to imagine the quack's voice from the Simpsons)

Well, I was in South Dakota all week trying to get things together there since we seem to be in full Field Canvass implosion mode. I won't go into detail but let's just say that folks should maybe focus a little more on leading a more boring social life. That, and Jess F. is a friggin' dynamo.

When I got back, Andrew was preparing for Pagan Pride, which was at the University on Sunday. So I spent most of the weekend helping him with sewing and embroidering. I tried to actually go to the event but wow...with stuff like this going on (not actually from the TC event)...

So anyway, I'm still FREAKING OUT from a million things to do for the wedding. I'm making invitations today.



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