Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Didn't you Mother teach you that pointing is rude?

Scientists have developed a video game to teach military personal proper body gesture and other cultural signals to help them improve communication with Iraqs natives. It also includes common Arabic phrases and points out the pointing with one's fingers may be considered a threat in the Middle Eastern culture.


In other news I think my sense of smell has increased. It really only bothers me when I go to bed, but I have to take the trash out every evening or I can smell it in my room and it NEEDS TO GO. Ate a banana in the morning? Can smell the peel at night. It's like there is a highway of oder right to my bed. Very annoying.

Oh yes, I have a professor from Lebennon. He's been in the US for at least eight years though and his english is excellent. But anywho, I was in his office the otherday for one of the assignment questions and I was looking at the books he has, which is about three book cases worth. They are all arranged by subject and typically your massive academic type literature. But then I noticed this little tiny book titled "American Slang". Which I think is a book you should have whenever you visit another country. But you know in their slang. Anyway, I found it enormously cute.

Anyway that's about all that's been going on now, we had another sushi bar open in town this past week which brings the number of sushi bars to about five in a town the size of Forest Lake. I'm just waiting for the sushi bar price wars to start so I can reap the benifits. Ha Ha!


Blogger Hazel Stone said...

Andrew and I went out for suhi at Fujiya the other night...wow it was great.

6:11 PM  

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