Sunday, February 26, 2006

I need to lay off the beer for a while...

So my beer consumption for the week has been up with a pitcher of beer or its equivellent being the average for the last four days. There hadn't been any adverse side effects until last night.

I had to have had the stupidest dream I've ever dreamed. It started in a comic book store and I was intregued by this series of comics called "Ordinary Man" So I picked up the only copy not in a protective sheath and started to flip through. Immediately I was "in" the comic book, in a plot to kill batman in an old western type showdown. I was sitting on the porch of one of the buildings with a rifle. Ready to shoot batman and then in the street was Batman and Ordinary Man. Ordinary Man looked slightly demented wearning nothing but a stupid grin, purple cape and whity tightys. He looked rather like a caricter out of a Clive Barker book I just read. Anyhow, they were standing each other off like in Western Movies when Ordinary Man whips his dick out of his underware causing Batman to cry out with disgust throwing up his cape and falling to the ground to sheild himself from the sight. Now here it gets a little hazy, either Batman noticed me with the gun or something but Ordinary Man realizes that something is going to happen and he needs to do something about because he just rushes Batman, with his dick flopping in the wind doing the "angry jazz hands" thing screaming Aaaaarrrrrrrghhh! at the top of his lungs. God knows what this lunatic will do when he gets to his target but Batman obviously doesn't want to know because he starts backing up crab style then crawling on all fours as fast as he can get away and then knocks himself unconcious on one of the buildings walls.

And then I wake up thinking, whoa I need to quit the beer drinking.


Blogger Hazel Stone said...

Best dream ever!

I miss you.

11:33 AM  

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