Saturday, February 25, 2006

So Anne Coultier was here...

...but after thinking about it I don't really give a shit. My friend went to see the fights that broke out, there were a couple in the beginning, but then she said that she didn't give a shit 'cause all Anne had to say was extremist right wing shit. Which I already knew Anne was going to say. But the thing that got my brain going was that Anne is just a bully, what she says is BS and is really just ment to piss people off. On the annuls of history she'll be no more than a dust mote she is the right wing Jerry Springer.

But for now she actually motivates people, she pisses people off, how can we channel the energy she creates and then get these pissed off individuals to write their respective representitive and get them out to vote? Wouldn't it be more useful to stand outside one of her (or any inflammitory idiot's) gathering and pass out information on the local reps with some brief information of the bills in congress that maybe the should write about? Having that information in hand and then getting all those fired up by Miss Bullshit you'd hope some of the non-republican people who went would want to go home and then DO something. People show up to her shows and throw pies at her and yell at her because they feel like they are doing some thing and they can see the immediate results.

These are people who want to do something but don't have an outlet. We should be giving them an outlet.


Blogger Your_Host said...

I agree, Anne Coulter has nothing new to say. She has no fresh insight and therefore is nothing but a mouthpiece for right wing propoganda. Although there are a lot of people out there who make a living by being human tape players. For all the political parties.

Partisan politics suck. Actually having and keeping your own opinions on things is almost impossible. In our society being a hypocrite is one of the worst things you can do, but being consistent is rendered almost impossible because the so called "facts" are so malleable. Even something that can be concluded empirically, like the effects of global warming, can be debated as if they are not really real. So people like her who express no doubt about the way things should be gather a lot of followers. Especially when she spouts bigoted, shortsighted, selfish stuff that a lot of people are inclined to agree with anyway. I agree that the best way to fight her is to harness peoples anger to organize. But around what issues, how about truth in the media?

11:37 AM  
Blogger Rhianna W said...

That could be one thing, but I really don't care as long as they start writing their representitives. I would like to give people a list of three different things going on in the gov and the websites of their reps and just let them go. Maybe they'll pick something they are interested in and get involved. Its really the getting people involved part I'm most interested in. America has such a small number of its citizens participating in this "Democratic" governement that its sad.

And I'm not really conserned with Anne Coultier, she'll go away, fighting her is a waste of breath.

11:10 PM  

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