Monday, August 21, 2006

I couldn't liv in harmony if I wanted to

So I was swimming laps at the pool on Saturday, and I was really getting into it and WHAM! I run headlong into a midget, an actual midget. So I apologize profusely and then get out of the pool.

Then I was playing mini-golf with friends. And yeah it's got nothing to do with me but it was rather amusing. The mini-golf course is on a corner and across the street from probably the only ghetto like apartments in Bloomington. And this scrawny white guy with the baggy pants and wife beater is trying to pick a fight with one black guy in a group. And they're yelling back and forth and the hilarious thing is they're making about the same effort to keep their pants up as they are trying to look tough. It is like this: "Fuck you (hike pants) mother fucker! (Swagger, hike pants) Yeah I'll kick yo'ass bitch (hike pants)." Luckily nothing started, because then we'd have a bunch of "tough guys" trying to punch with one hand and keep their pants up with the other. So the scrawny guy leaves and then comes back with a PVC pipe and starts whacking it on the ground and shouting. Jake observed that it was much like the display chimps put on when they're trying to start a fight. And it was true. And then there was more yelling, pants hiking the little step forward step back tough guy dance. The group of black guys flanked the scrawny white guy then and it looked like he and his stick were done for but somehow it just dissolved into one scawny white guy and another white guy standing on the street calling each other "nigger". Then they left and three squads the pizza delivery guy finally show up.


Blogger Your_Host said...

Maybe we should make all of the people in Washington right now wear those pants. We can't make war with people if we are constantly trying to keep the pants of state up.

That is until we get the SUSPENDERS OF DEATH!!!

9:48 AM  
Blogger Chemska said...

a well written look into a hilarious subculture. I've always wondered how they run from police if their pants are falling down, I've never seen them fight while holding them!
ok so. this guy was standing in SA with his legs spread out as far as he could so he could keep his pants around the mid-thigh. When it was his turn to move up the line, he put his items in his armpit so he could use both hands to gather all 4 extra feet of waist band so he could take a step forward.

11:49 PM  

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