Tuesday, October 03, 2006

We Must Be Busy

Just wanted to write something since the last post was back on Sept. 21st by Romi. How's everyone doing? I have finallized the breakup and am officially single again. Which means going back on the prowl. Should I start a torrid sexual affair with a married man at my work? No response necessary. I've been deprived.
Also, I don't think I like this new boot fashion craze. Chemska has a cute pair. But other than that, I'm not crazy about "the look". Just an opinion. It's kinda the same feeling I had about the stiletto w/ extra pointy-elongated-toe/ boot-cut blue jeans look.
Finally, I've decided that having children is bad. They take hostages, and shoot them. Even in Amish Communities. Children are terrible and I don't like them, Sam I Am. Also, just satire.
Can you tell my jokes have not been well received lately?


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