Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Was I just hit on?

So after knitting I went across the street for a beer and peanuts. But lo! They were out of peanuts. But I still had my beer and spotted this guy smoking a cigarette and I thought well if I can't have peanuts with my beer at least I could have a cigarette. So I ask the guy for one and he gives it to me and a matchbook, I take the cigarette and smoke, drink my beer and read a book. His friends come and they talk and we happily ignore one another. Then after I got my second drink and I'm sitting at this bar which faces the window two things land in front of me on the table top in between me and my book: a cigarette and a book of matches. I look around confused and the guy looks at me and his friends, I think, are also confused at his behavior, to which he said: I thought you'd like another one. So I said thank you, smoked the second cigarette and gave him back his matches. The only other thing he said to me was as I left he wished me a good night.

The only other time I'd felt like I'd been flung back to jr. high was that time Chemska, La Roux and I got caught watching my room mate's porn. Seriously, throwing stuff at women at bars? What is that?


Blogger Chemska said...

Yes, very yes. This was his thought process- It is quite the daring feat to tread so far out of one's league. Clearly a brilliant plan must be hatched. Surely a woman of her caliber has seen and quashed many a plan. We must be bold and different, yet seem charming at the same time...COVER ME, I'M GOING IN!!! Billy, you know I loved you like a son...If I don't make it back, tell the others to remember this day in the book of failed plans.

11:45 PM  
Blogger Rhianna W said...

Chemska, you really do need to publish a book.

4:31 PM  
Blogger Hazel Stone said...

I agree. The gentle cig toss is at once aloof and generous. It leaves it up to you to interpret the meaning. Perfect for dating cowards.

12:14 PM  

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