Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I woke up and turned my head toward the closet, just as a tall black man emerged from the bathroom. His head left my line of vision as he neared the edge of the loft. Then his long fingers wrapped around the edge, just inches from my face, and suddenly his eyes were staring into mine. He leapt on top of me, telling me to just be quiet, shh, just give me what I want. Had I locked the door before going to bed? Or were the nightmares just getting more vivid? I started screaming, he jumped off of the loft with a crash and ran back into the bathroom. I was paralyzed for about 20 minutes, waiting to either wake up or for him to come back. Finally I forced myself off of the loft. I went outside, crawled into my trunk and went back to sleep. Later, still in the trunk, I flipped a coin to determine whether it would be Canada or Mexico. I ended up in Mora. Good enough. I might keep going but I'm definitely going to wait a few days before I go back. In retrospect perhaps this wasn't the best idea. If he was real, he's probably already pawned all my stuff. If he was a dream, eventually I'll have to sleep again, though somehow I do feel a sense of accomplishment.


Blogger Rhianna W said...

On the positive side I'm glad that you have decided to contribute to the blog. I'm sure that it hasn't pawned all of your stuff. But if you'd like someone to do some boogey man extirminating in your home we can have that arranged...we have powers....powers...yessss weee dooooo....
Love Ya!

10:54 PM  

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