Monday, December 12, 2005

Interview from hell.

So I just got done with an interview this morning...for volunteering. And it sucked big time. There is no way on planet Earth I would want to work with the woman I just met. She picked to interview time...and was late. She didn't tell me to use the side door for employees on Monday when the rest of the museum was closed. She asked me if I had "manual" skills and when I asked her to clarify told me that is was fairly "self-explaniory."

Self expanitory my ass! BITCH!

I recieved this growing sense that she didn't understand why anyone would want to volunteer and also that she was awful to work with. However, this feeling did reach full fruitation until after the interview...because the interview was over in three minutes! I left completely bewildered and pissed.

The god damn women assumed I already knew what the fuck everything was. She refered to the internship class by number so I had no idea what the fuck she was talking about when she asked why I wasn't taking this for credit. That I knew about internships was the ONLY thing she assumed I didn't know about. (and excuse me if I dont' waste precious brain cells for the memorization of class numbers) WTF man WTF!!!

Did I mention that she was late to the meeting and SHE PICKED THE TIME!?! Also the museum is closed on Mondays and she also failed to tell me where to enter the building, where her office was and where to meet her for said interview.

I was so bewildered afterwards I actually went to the Reference desk at the MCPL to ask my Professor (who works full time at the public library) what "manuel skills" were. He looked it up on google and we decided that it refers to using your hands and possibly heavy lifting. Oh yeah...THAT's descriptive.

So yeah, I came home and wrote an e-mail to the director of the museum. I was polite and made sure I used correct grammer and spelling. (unlike now.)

UGH. And I woke up early for this shit?


Blogger Hazel Stone said...

In the immortal words of one of my college buddies and this really long joke I acn't remember..."fuck her and her fucking clown shoes."


11:06 AM  
Blogger Chemska said...

eeediots. Sounds like one of my interviews. I say fuck 'em. Let's go join the circus.

5:39 PM  

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