Monday, November 21, 2005

My Real Job

So, today was my first day at my new job. Yay. I can actually hear myself, I and me think. I can already see, however, who is going to be a problem. "Okay Kevin, I can friggin' hear you in the next room-NOW ANSWER YOUR DAMN PHONE! Arghhh...
But, all in all, it went very well. I'm going to like it-I think. No, everyone is very nice and it's pretty straightforward. I loved not digging through a deli case of food, not standing in front of open chicken rotisserie doors (after 2 hours of flame-on cooking), and no customers in my face about there's-no-turkey-meatloaf-today!? I am sure that I will have all sorts of new and humorous details of how I would like to remove somone's entrails.
On a different note: Donn invited me to spend Thanksgiving with his family. Do I run now or quietly slink away? His mother's first questions were apparently:

A) How many piercings does she have?

B) So, what's her real name? No, really, what is it?

This should be fun.


Blogger Rhianna W said...

Well its nice to have a man not afraid of commitment. And I wouldn't spend thanksgiving with him, you haven't been dating that long, though it is a nice gesture. And I'd wait and see how domineering his mother is.

5:07 PM  
Blogger Your_Host said...

That was fast. Although being invited to Thanksgiving Dinner is a lot less of a big thing than being invited to Christmas morning. I would say that you should say no to the dinner, but offer to stop by later on for coffee and dessert while the guys waste time watching sports, if possible. After all, that's when the best conversations take place.

9:32 AM  

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