Sunday, February 26, 2006


So Juan the latin stalker was picking up speed again, and my mood went from alright to very edgy. Hector knows that it is very important to lock all three locks on the door when he comes over, but he is too polite to ask why. One day he only did two, and I flew behind him to slam the other one in place. He asked why, I hastily spat "because he's after me." He then demanded to know what was going on. Finally, I filled him in on the constant phone calls, door buzzing, throwing rocks at my window, waiting outside in his car for me to come out. He listened, and then said he would put a stop to it. The next day he texted me that he had contacted the Surenos (the Mexican Mafia) and he just needed to get Juan's phone number, and then they could put him in the hospital for about a year. I was so happy that he was trying to rescue me and I started typing in the number when I stopped and thought, wait a minute, I can't put a hit on one of my employees. So I texted back that maybe this was all a bit harsh and blah blah. He called immediately and asked what was going on and if I had made it all up. I said well, no, I just think... maybe I'm just too nice. He said," I know, I like how nice you are, but nobody fucks with my baby girl." So we agreed that I would keep him posted and I would give him the number the next time I saw him.
The next day, Hector came over at about 7 am after work. We were sitting on the couch, talking when the buzzer rang. I looked out my front door and saw the jackass waiting to be let in. Fuck, I said. Hector asked who it was, and I told him it was Juan. I was kind of shaky, and I asked him what I should do. "You can wait here." He went out into the lobby. I pushed the listen button, and I picked out a few words here and there in the angry slang Spanish, Hector sounded like a knight in shining armor, Juan sounded like a pathetic little weasel.

Juan skittered off like a little girl, and has avoided me like the plague ever since, he looks at me all the time, and when I look at him, he puts his head down really quick. yay.

Hector came back in, I was gazing at him with a look of pure worship. He said," I don't like to have problems, but I must protect my baby girl."
None of my boyfriends have ever defended me like that.


Blogger Hazel Stone said...

I give him a 8.75 for the protectiveness without excessive macho posturing, but I'll have to mark him down on the Artistic, calling in the mafia is a little creepazoid.

Solid 7.5

11:30 AM  
Blogger Your_Host said...

I give him a 9. I think that calling the professionals is just the thing to do when plagued with vermin. Or at least scaring the shit out of the vermin by threatening to have said professionals break their legs. It shows forethought and an understanding of the delicate interplay of political forces found between the face and the fist.

12:06 PM  
Blogger Your_Host said...

Violence is wrong of course.

12:18 PM  
Blogger Rhianna W said...

I'll give him a 7.5
Excellent dressing down of said creep.
Just having Mafia connections should raise eyebrows
Looses points for calling his girlfriend his "baby girl"

And yeah, Sheila should have ripped this idots balls off the FIRST time he tried to force himself on her in HER OWN appartment.

12:55 PM  
Blogger Chemska said...

-I love the Olympic performance ratings.
-Post-incident, we had a discussion about culture differences and regardless of how it works in Mexico,I really don't feel like doing prison time as an accessory.
-What if I had tried to rip his balls off and it hadn't worked in my favor? He has a history of beating the shit out of his girlfriends, which means its not beneath him. And he's alot taller (6'3") and stronger than me, just throwing it out there.

4:33 PM  
Blogger Rhianna W said...

Oh fine, disregard the ball ripping comment.

But dude it doesn't matter how big he is if you've got him by his balls. ( but I promise I shall never this again.)

6:45 PM  

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