Monday, March 20, 2006

Thanks for Listening

Okay, guys, I'm really starting to hate my job (more than usual). The hours have always sucked, but I liked the people. Now my coworkers (staff, not fairies) are turning into catty gossip fiends. So the other day, my boss (who likes to tell me EVERTHING about his life, but I don't always like to reciprocate) asked me if I had a boyfriend. I said no, because its none of his goddamned business anyway, and there were people around, and I didn't feel like talking about it because said information would not be well received, given where said significant other is employed. A few days later, Pete (boss) said someone had snitched one me, and I had lied to him about having a boyfriend. Also that I would be in trouble if Hector was ever late or skipped work, apparently because we are joined at the hip and I am his keeper. Note: If Hector is ever sick, he sends his brother in to do it. A rarity, as most fairies just make us take care of it. This unfair assumption is being cast on me because Andy's dumbass psycho cambodian bitch always calls in sick when Andy is off. Oh, and after noticing my dumbstruck expression that turned into one of anger, Pete added that I should make sure I don't get pregnant. If there was ever a time to get out, nows the fucking time.
So. Today I was offered a contract position doing legal work for a recording studio. It would pay $10 an hour, full time, but only last 4 months. I make $14 an hour now, with job security. Do I stay or go?


Blogger Your_Host said...

Can you live off of $10/hr? Also, with taxes how much is that(independent contractors have to take 30% of their income in taxes and there are usually no benefits)? Is it full time?

This would be great for your resume, but horrible for your finances. Do you have a fallback position? Can someone loan you money for essentials if you need it?

I say if you need this for your resume and it is fairly short term then you should try to do it without sacrificing your main job which is your main means of support. For $10/hr they can't honestly expect you to work full time for them and pay for a legal education. This is a sideline/moonlighting thing.

Oh, and congrats on the job offer. That is great news. Behavior of the manager in question is seriously out of line with what is permissable.

10:26 AM  
Blogger Hazel Stone said...

I agree with Greg, you should call the smackdown on the Supervisor.

(a) The don't get pregnant comment is by the book sexual harassment. You could sue the Strib.

(b) Unless there is a no fraternization policy, they have no grounds to say boo about your SO unless there's an ACTUAL problem.

11:47 AM  
Blogger Rhianna W said...

I agree with Hazel. That pregnant statement is sexual harrasment. I would take the job, network, gain new skills and resources and see where it goes. You can't stay at the Trib forever. And I think you could get by at 10/hr full time. But I don't know how that would work with your school. Anyway take care.

1:12 PM  

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