Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Woman

That Harley guy is Fantastic.
My brother is moving to Japan, so the woman is all excited that her grandchildren are going to be Mexican and Japanese, (I think the woman switched her meds again, because this statement obviously came out of some sort of opium haze) I think she decided that this would finally give her some ammo against her very racist and very abrasive deceased father-in-law. Hector still won't meet her, I accidentally told him that she had said he probably doesn't even like me, he just wants to stay here. I have since been trying to mitigate that by saying that she says things all the time, and she's crazy, but he's not buying it. She also asked what his real name was and how long he's been one step ahead of El Migre. I told her he hasn't seen his mom in 6 years so he really wants to go home, but I suggested he wait a bit to see what happens with us. The Woman hissed that I was an evil girl for doing this.
"He's probably depressed, let the boy go see his mum."
"But then he can't come back."
"See how lucky you are?"
Anyway, after this discussion, she took me swimsuit shopping, and I got mine. I made sure to prance around as she pursed her lip and sneered at the 3 way mirror.


Blogger Rhianna W said...

I really envy your mother/daughter relationship. Yeah....

4:29 PM  
Blogger Hazel Stone said...

Well, Mumsy and I are going to get massages together next weekend. My Mom rocks...now if I could just get her to like the Druid...

5:40 PM  
Blogger Your_Host said...

Ooh, how do you say faux pas in spanish? The whole situation is very sticky. Congrats on finally driving your brother out of the country. Perhaps he can send us gifts from Akihabara?

8:37 AM  

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