Thursday, April 06, 2006


So I have a couple aquaintences here that really drive me nuts with their offhand remarks. Last night I was called an "anti-establishment type" because I didn't want to go to Applebee's. EXCUSE ME if I don't like applebee's because I don't like their menu selection, their food gives me gut rot, I feel the need to shower when I'm done eating there and they have the magical ability of putting a thimble amount of margharita drink in a fishbowl sized glass and charge you seven dollars for it. Calling me anti-establishment for that is only an idiot talking out of their ass and what is anti-establishment anyway? I shop at establishments all the time. The co-op is a food establishment the school I'm paying through the nose to go to is an establishment I drive a car made by an established or established auto maker. So what the fuck. You know there may be good reason to call me a Ball Breaking Pinko Commie Feminist but its NOT because I don't want to eat at Applebees. Fuckers.


Blogger Your_Host said...

Just remember, the hardest establishment to be against is the establishment that your peers choose to live in. The lovely thing about it is that people in groups tend to betray their own emotions. For instance: you now know which people think that you are a non-conformist. Also, you know that that person feels that it is wrong to be a non-conformist. A valuable little piece of information to have when you are trying to decide what to get that person for their birthday.
With love,
Dr. Greg
Armchair Psycho

12:33 AM  

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