Thursday, May 25, 2006


I've been playing phone tag with Faegre & Benson for two days now and I swear I will go mad. I've learned not to fling myself off the loft when I hear her on the answering machine. I've waited a year for them to like me and now I'm playing f-ing phone tag. Ohhhhh my life is a waste. Anyway, if they let me in, I will get myself transferred to the Shanghai office, and then, I will spend my weekends in Mongolia and BHUTAN riding yaks! sorry, I just drooled on myself. I'm so excited I'm going to be sick. I told Hector to come with and he said we didn't speak Chinese. As if that would stop me, you ass. And so we agreed that I will make him flashcards with phrases so he can run around town efficiently. ahhhhhhhhh (Please insert appropriate she-lisms of excitement here)


Blogger Your_Host said...

YAY! Congratulations on finally getting hold of them. Good luck.

10:17 AM  
Blogger Rhianna W said...

Good luck my dear, may their brains be soft and maliable to your ways.

1:44 PM  

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