Thursday, September 21, 2006

My Birthday

I'd just like to say that I drank a whole bottle of wine and got NO hangover! That is like the bestest birthday present ever. And Greg, my little brother got me a book of Japanese movie posters! The whole thing is nothing but posters, its fabulous and I'll have to show it to you the next time I see you. Its friggin awesome.

I hope you all are doing well. Love you!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Cuddly Korea

All your base are belong to us. You have no chance of survive. Make your time. Ha. Ha. Ha.

So the woman was trying to force me to go to a bridal shower for her friend's daughter. The daughter always irritated me, and the mothers kept making us play together. And I can't handle being in a room full of women cooing over the surprises that will be in store when you sign your death sentance. Finally I said (in the cartman voice) " yeah, that would be coo, and I'd be surrounded by middle aged women asking me how I am, oh you don't have a job yet? Well then what sort of interesting domestic things are you up to these days, and I'd be like, nothing." To which the woman shreiked "Then you're never getting one!" and then slammed the door. Then my dad and I finished our discussion on rock climbing. Later she asked if people were upseting me about not being married. I told her that I don't want to be seen. Her eyes narrowed and she left the room.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I would pay good money to watch someone try to discuss porn & masturbation with the Woman, behind a wall of bullet proof glass of course, and razor wire. AAHH!! It would be the new reality show!! Two go in, she comes out. Fuck dancing with the stars, this is gold!! Watch in suspense as she crouches down! Reel in terror as the head of the beast turns! Be consumed by cinematic glory as we catch the gleam in her eye just before her acidic words destroy her prey! Of course we cannot forget her groundshaking hell spawn roar.


So, I was going back over some past postings on the blog and I came across your posting in July about Vinnie and "I Was A Teenage Feminist!"
I found the site where you can order a copy for your personal viewing pleasure! I'm very excited about this. Thank you so much. Have you seen it yet? If so, what did you think and is it worth buying a copy? I suppose it would be worth it anyway.
So the next time we get everyone together again, maybe we can all watch it!?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Get Ready For Some Serious Bull!

Some of you are not up to date on this...
My sister was over at my mom's visiting one day last week. They were working on the computer and Jaime was showing mom a few pointers. Mom wasn't sure if she could get back to an address she had previously been to. Jaime showed her how. Guess what Mom found. Apparently, Jerry doesn't know how to erase places he's been on-line and apparently has quite the trail.
Mom says she hadn't seen that much porn in her 52 years of life.
Mom freely admits she and her boyfriend at the time went to see the original "Deep Throat" together at some old movie theater that no longer exists in Downtown Minneapolis. Yet, she was appalled.
She called me and told me she felt betrayed, cheated-on, and disrespected. Then we got into a pornography debate. Any of you ever debate porn with your mom? Even with mine, it's a bit odd, to say the least. I guess it was more of a discussion.
I felt that unless it was violent, involved defecation/urination, animals or children, I really (personally) don't see too much of a problem. I don't feel that it has anything to do with me. I have my own likes and dislikes. Feel free to ask if you're curious as to what they are, but I don't think I'm going to include them in my post.
My mom seemed to be very confused about the fact that I don't mind porn. Almost like she was thinking to herself, "Didn't I teach her otherwise?"
"Mom, he's not cheating on you, it's not the same thing."
A week later she found his profile on
"Looking for hot, one-on-one sex with a woman age 25-40." (Jerry's nearly 50.)
Now, Mom's angry! She was sad for a day or two. Then she got hell- bent on moving. To Oregon.
Oregon? Now I have to deal with all sorts of co-dependant isssues, both mine and mom's alike. She says she won't move without me. Well, I don't want to move to Oregon. If I move it'll be East. "But poo-poo bear, there's lots of old hippies there." (Poo-Poo Bear is a nickname from mom.) Hippies are fine with me and I'm fine with hippies. But I'm not sure this "Mod-punk" wants to steep her tea-bag in it. I'm trying to move to England. England!
Anyways, that's all I got.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Regarding my last post...

I wasn't sure how to post the actual video to the blog, so all I did was post the link. (Obviously).
I saw this over at Mike's house. It's something his friend Kevin had downloaded. So funny you'll cry!!! Make sure you have sound and it's turned up!

Timeless and Tasteless

So the painting boss yelled at me in front of another guy, and throughout the day played the gender card when I didn't do things to par." Women never listen, Women always try to control everything". Its not my fault you married an assertive woman who is much smarter than you, and gets paid a helluva lot more. So I'll go tomorrow because one guy gave me money to drive him, but I think I'll be skipping next week whilst looking for a real job.
I'm looking at getting a master's in international relations and diplomacy so I can infiltrate and take over the U.N. First I was thinking about a school near NYC, but now I found some in Kenya and Turkey. Because then I can ride a camel to school.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

george washington

He saves children, but NOT British Children.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Puttin' that 129 I.Q. Score To Work For Me!!!

I figured out, ON MY OWN, how to post a picture to my profile! Those of you who know me well understand why I am bothering to tell you this!
"Look out honey 'cause I'm usin' technology..."
-Iggy & The Stooges

Birthday news

Yesterday was the Druid's birthday. We celebrated by driving to the Dells with Wacky Buddhist Sister-in-law. The news:

1. Our final remaining car died. It is no more. Praise Jebus that it died in a non dangerous way on I-94 only 20 miles or so into Wisconsin. We took a rental car to the Dells.

2. Noah's Ark is THE LARGEST WATER PARK IN THE USA! And don't you forget it.

3. All employees of NA are hot Latino or Ukrainian guys.

4. The effect of #3 on the 780,000 teenaged-girls wearing the new "whoredom-style" bikinis is much less than I would have seen in Missouri, let me tell you. In the South, droves of women would be throwing themselves on these guys like lemmings on the cold, cold sea.

5. I am not young anymore, NO SIREE. My whole body is one big worn out achey feeling.
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