Thursday, August 25, 2005

I never knew Librarians where so cut throat

Hello Everybody!

Hi Dr. Nick!!

Anyway, I met a woman who is going to by a rare books librarian. She says she is looked forward to fighting other students for class seats with cutlasses and daggers. I told her good luck.

So I had orientation today and listened to about six speakers who all emphisized the same things. Like internships and the SLIS listserve and joining the Americal Library Association. However one woman in particular drew my ire. She's one of those people who read the paper everyday and only see horror and impending doom. She was fidgety on stage and while she did have some positive things to say, by the way she presented it through stories, motions and tone of voice, it still sounded bad. The economy is horrible if your read the NY Times and the Washington post talked about cut funding for public sysems and Newsweek calls this economy temperate, but I'm sure you'll get a job when your done with school. And OMG you know that you have to do a lot of group work and theres always a slacker! It's part of your education to learn how to get the slacker to do work, otherwise how will you manage your workers when you get a job in the real world. Its like the slackers are planted by the teachers as an added homework bonus. Plus this woman always ended her sentenses with "mkay". Even when she didn't say it loud enough to hear she mouthed it. All I could think of was ways to fuck with her head to get her to stop compulsively saying "mkay." God is going to need help preserving the natural order of the universe if I have to take a class with her. Mercy.

Anyway I hope you all are doing well I'll talk to you later.


Blogger Your_Host said...

I bet you can't wait until you get to be the one at the podium endlessly repeating yourself. Mkay.

The change is inevitable, you came, you breathed the air, you SUBSCRIBED TO THE LISTSERVE! Mkay.

Resistance is futile. Mkay.

The only thing that can that can stop you from joining the LiBorg is the IMPENDING DOOM THAT WILL DESTROY US ALL! Mkay.

8:13 AM  
Blogger Hazel Stone said...

You know, they may be doing the whole law school thing where they try to weed out the losers -- though I am guessing they are not going to make your entire first year hell. That's doing it The Lawyer Way!

8:35 AM  

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